bo1 servers not showing up?
MrDeathFox doesn't work
gvd hmm weird see if it does the same in your zombies at all
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gvd i have the same problem
Theres still a lot of problems w bo1.
Guys I have the same problem, please help
fullofcodeine let plutonium through ur firewall?
at startup there is an endless connecting or download game setting
gvd Happened to me earlier to day it the only server that popped up was from my "Recent Servers", but those wouldnt even work. All I had to do was restart my computer and click the refresh button and boom they popped up.
prob go in ur filters and reset it
same problem. Any solutions?
RedYokai click refresh and wait
If nothing pops up make sure you're on latest version and fix your internet (VPN, antivirus whatever could be the issue)