[ZM][RELEASE] [PLUTO ONLY] First box patch for moon + timer + speed patch
So I made a box patch for moon, but it only works on Plutonium due to the use of replacefunc, it will give you the wavegun, gersh and raygun for coop up until round 20, it also has a timer like my waw mods, and a speed patch to make your backspeed and strafe speed the same as on console,
REPLACE YOUR COMMON_ZOMBIE_PATCH.FF WITH THE ORIGINAL GAME FILE WHILE YOU PLAY THE MAP OR ELSE IT WILL NOT LOAD !! Please don't comment that the script is not working if you did not follow the instructions, I tested it before and it's working 100%
Create a folder named zombie_moon in your %localappdata%/Plutonium/Storage/t5/scripts/sp and place the file in it
Launch the map and enjoy
If you don't have the original common_zombie_patch.ff here it is, just unzip the file
if you find any issues in the gameplay please advise me, I am not a moon player so idk if it will do something to the gameplay, as far as I tested, everything works.
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; init() { if ( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) { level thread onPlayerConnect(); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_ChooseWeightedRandomWeapon, ::custom_treasure_chest_ChooseWeightedRandomWeapon); } } any_player_has_weapon(weap) { players = get_players(); has_weap = false; for(i = 0; players.size > i; i++) { if(players[i] maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade(weap)) has_weap = true; } return has_weap; } game_timer() { hud = create_simple_hud( self ); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "top"; hud.horzAlign = "user_left"; hud.vertAlign = "user_top"; hud.x = hud.x - -820; hud.y = hud.y + 35; hud.alpha = 1; time_text = string(GetTime() / 1000); flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); while (1){ hud setTimerUp(1); hud setTimer(time_text); } } patch_moon() { //WaveGun if(!self maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade("microwavegundw_zm") && !any_player_has_weapon("microwavegundw_zm")) return "microwavegundw_zm"; //Gersh if(!self maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade("zombie_black_hole_bomb")) return "zombie_black_hole_bomb"; //RayGun for coop if(!self maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade("ray_gun_zm")) return "ray_gun_zm"; } custom_treasure_chest_ChooseWeightedRandomWeapon( player ) { //First Box by Crybaby / AlexInVr if(level.round_number < 20) { //Moon if (level.script == "zombie_moon") return player patch_moon(); } keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons ); toggle_weapons_in_use = 0; // Filter out any weapons the player already has filtered = []; for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { if( !maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_is_in_box( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } if( isdefined( player ) && is_player_valid(player) && player maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( keys[i] ) ) { if ( maps\_zombiemode_weapons::is_weapon_toggle( keys[i] ) ) { toggle_weapons_in_use++; } continue; } if( !IsDefined( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } num_entries = [[ level.weapon_weighting_funcs[keys[i]] ]](); for( j = 0; j < num_entries; j++ ) { filtered[filtered.size] = keys[i]; } } // Filter out the limited weapons if( IsDefined( level.limited_weapons ) ) { keys2 = GetArrayKeys( level.limited_weapons ); players = get_players(); pap_triggers = GetEntArray("zombie_vending_upgrade", "targetname"); for( q = 0; q < keys2.size; q++ ) { count = 0; for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( players[i] maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( keys2[q] ) ) { count++; } } // Check the pack a punch machines to see if they are holding what we're looking for for ( k=0; k<pap_triggers.size; k++ ) { if ( IsDefined(pap_triggers[k].current_weapon) && pap_triggers[k].current_weapon == keys2[q] ) { count++; } } // Check the other boxes so we don't offer something currently being offered during a fire sale for ( chestIndex = 0; chestIndex < level.chests.size; chestIndex++ ) { if ( IsDefined( level.chests[chestIndex].chest_origin.weapon_string ) && level.chests[chestIndex].chest_origin.weapon_string == keys2[q] ) { count++; } } if ( isdefined( level.random_weapon_powerups ) ) { for ( powerupIndex = 0; powerupIndex < level.random_weapon_powerups.size; powerupIndex++ ) { if ( IsDefined( level.random_weapon_powerups[powerupIndex] ) && level.random_weapon_powerups[powerupIndex].base_weapon == keys2[q] ) { count++; } } } if ( maps\_zombiemode_weapons::is_weapon_toggle( keys2[q] ) ) { toggle_weapons_in_use += count; } if( count >= level.limited_weapons[keys2[q]] ) { filtered = array_remove( filtered, keys2[q] ); } } } // finally, filter based on toggle mechanic if ( IsDefined( level.zombie_weapon_toggles ) ) { keys2 = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapon_toggles ); for( q = 0; q < keys2.size; q++ ) { if ( level.zombie_weapon_toggles[keys2[q]].active ) { if ( toggle_weapons_in_use < level.zombie_weapon_toggle_max_active_count ) { continue; } } filtered = array_remove( filtered, keys2[q] ); } } // try to "force" a little more "real randomness" by randomizing the array before randomly picking a slot in it filtered = array_randomize( filtered ); return filtered[RandomInt( filtered.size )]; } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill ("connecting", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); self thread game_timer(); self SetClientDvars( "player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1"); wait 3; self IPrintLnBold("First box by ^1twitch.tv/^2AlexInVR"); } }
hindercanrun thx man ! Appreciate it, been trying to find a way to patch this map for a while now
what file do i play zombie_moon in? i dont understand
f0rbiddin press windows + r on your keyboard
inside the window that pops up, type in %LOCALAPPDATA%
go to the folder plutonium/Storage/t5/scripts/sp
create a new folder name zombie_moon
drop the script inside it,
(Create a new text file, and name it whatever you want, copy the code in the thread, paste it inside, then rename the extension to .gsc)
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