T5 is working, T6 won't start in this Docker container
I've been working on my own plutonium-in-docker solution because I wanted an image that could be used generically rather than requiring pterodactyl or other such tool and have thus far only been able to get t5sp (BO1 zombies) working.
No matter what argument I try, the working directory I start in, nor which version of T6 I build into the image (pluto_t6_full_game, pluto_t6_dedicated_server_full) attempting to start t6zm always returns the error "config file %s not found" without any reflection of the path I gave it. (T5 will fail and tell you it can't find the configuration file in /home/pu/pluto_t5_full_game/main for example)
This is the repo: https://git.bodybychipotle.com/bodybychipotle.com/plutonium-server-docker
This is the helper script that actually launches the servers:
(Another reason I built my own images. The script will kill the server if the logs indicate it's in a bad state - EXE_ERROR_MODIFYING_SESSION, thus auto-restarting the server)
The launch command: /usr/bin/xvfb-run -a wine bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t6zm/home/pu/games/pluto_t6_dedicated_server_full -dedicated +set key X7X6S +set fs_game '' +set net_port 28969 +start_map_rotate +set sv_config t6zm.cfg
As stated this works for T5, just not T6 yet. (edited)
I figured this out with the help of this post.
In essence T6 servers need to read the configuration out of <game_root>/main/, a directory that doesn't exist by default (but did/does for t5).
Making that directory and adding my .cfg files there allows my Docker image to run t6 servers.
I've updated the repo with this solution as well. (mkdir -p /home/pu/games/pluto_t6_dedicated_server_full/main)