ddl error bo1 z
![alt text](
idk what to do with that error can someone help me ?
HunterCould repair ur files
Not an issue with file repairing. Still happens with repairing files.
You can create a script that terminates and relaunches Plutonium, and that should help you with this error:Echo off
color 0a
taskkill /f /im plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe /t
echo Relaunching the bootstrapper!
start C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Plutonium.exe
pauseSave it as .bat file, and you're good to go.
NOTE: Change the file destination based off of where you put Plutonium. For example, you put it in C:\Users\Username\Documents\Plutonium.exe, you have to set it in the script.
@ivanovich_ Thank you very much, i also try to repair the files but terminating and relaunching Plutonium was the ultimate fix.
TheTerminator No problem. If you got any issues, feel free to ask for help.