My friends was unfairly banned for litterly no fucking reason
he was litterly just just playing multiplayer just chilling he as litterly doing fucking nothing and was just disconnected from the game and was brought back to the login screen and when he logged in it just sayed he was banned for 300.000 days, banned for nithing, his username was K-Rounds if any moderaters/ admins reading this please unban him man we just tryna play some damn ZOMBIES! sincerely your truley me
@xX515Xx Your friend doesn't even appear in the anticheat logs.
If he's banned for so long it means it's not his first ban.
If he doesn't appear in the ban logs it can mean he's playing on the same network a cheater is playing, like his brother, or that he cheated on another account yesterday or whatever and got banned hours later while playing legit for cheating in the past -
he was banned previously like a long ass time ago for using a VPN i believe but he appleaed that like 3 or 2 days ago, and i know he doesnt use cheats nor has anotehr acc that does has cheats K-Rounds is his only acc so shit we dont know what to do other then trying to appeal this ban
@xX515Xx it doesnt matter if its HIS only account - you are or he is obviously leaving something out of the conversation - ppl don't get BANNED for NO REASON...
@xX515Xx u cant get banned for using a vpn
nob0dy1mp0rtant this is the full story and the full thing im just saying what he said maybe he is leaving something out the convo but im just telling the story from what i have heard frim him
either way, he’s not getting unbanned until his ban expires