camos to base game bo2
i have clean version of bo2 and sometimes we play splitcreens how can i put my iwi files in bo2 base game?
GhostRider0125 you talking about console or pc
pc boi
GhostRider0125 yeah you can.
WolflexZ it just ssays how to put camos for pluto but i want to put it on the base game itself
hindercanrun how please help G
If you use Plutonium you can have custom camos no matter if your files are from Steam or not
If you don't use Plutonium I don't think you can have custom camos on Steam BO2 directly
Resxt isnt there a file that holds the camos and texures in base game so u could extract it and replace the texures?
Resxt there should be right?
GhostRider0125 yeah, fucking with ur game files