[Resolved] Disable third person spectating
Is there a dvar to disable third person spectating? This is a customizable feature in Black Ops 2 custom games settings but it is not in the dedicated.cfg nor could I find it in the dvar dump.
When you spectate somebody, you can press the middle mouse button to spectate them in third person and see behind them. This is unfair in competitive search and destroy so we are trying to disable it. Please let me know if you have a fix or workaround for this!
Try using
gts disableThirdPersonSpectating 1
CPLreplied to Xerxes on Jun 8, 2020, 9:58 PM last edited by CPL Sep 10, 2020, 6:07 PM
Xerxes said in Disable third person spectating:
Try using
gts disableThirdPersonSpectating 1
Thank you, this works.