waw campaign
is the campaign going to be added it has the first mission but upon completing it you cannot get to next mission
You can unlock the rest with
in console. -
For most missions the game freezes when i get to a specific bit of the mission is there a way to fix that.
Deathmare play on Steam
We don't support the campaign, it's only there because zombies is part of the campaign.
Any bug/issue with the campaign won't be fixed -
yall should fix it
I've got mine on disc (not linked to Steam), manually installed patches and added required files (such as LanFix etc), and campaign works just fine. I could play coop with my pops/friends too.
The torrented one from here is not quite intended for SP/Coop campaign, only for MP and Zombies. -
Chase thank you so much! i was stuck on black cats because it was the only mission that would crash.