[Release] Set Money For Late People Joining
First you need to make a self thread under welcome()
welcome() { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); self thread setlatepoints(); }
Next add this anywhere in your script
setlatepoints() { if(level.round_number >= 5 && self.score < 2500) // You can change the round and money to your liking. self.score = 2500; else if(level.round_number >= 15 && self.score < 5000) // You can change the round and money to your liking. self.score = 5000; }
If you have any questions add me on Discord: Ashton Biehl#6969
Hi, there I'm wondering how can I merge this script with an existing zombi counter as I'm having issues.
so here the first part of the script is fine
now its the second half I need help with
I can't seem to find the issue so can you please help me.
Ray0189 at line 41 delete " setlatepoints() "