Removing MMS & Target Finder Attachments [Bo2]
@Vexbane Sorry, everything indicates syntax error, because I use google translator and it messes up the code.
It should work fine:
/* Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio by iMCSx Creator : V3X Project : no mms, no target finder Mode : Multiplayer Date : 2020/04/24 - 10:03:00 */ #include maps\mp_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_hud_message; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); level.givecustomloadout = :: givecustomloadout; // This is where you should put it. } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); // Will appear each time when the player spawn, that's just an exemple. self iprintln("Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio | Project : ^2no mms, no target finder"); } } // An easier way to put it would be at the end of all your code, since this is a function, which you call inside the ini (), with the line you put first. givecustomloadout () { weap = self getCurrentWeapon (); // Get the player's current weapon if (weaponHasAttachment (weap, "mms") || weaponHasAttachment (weap, "rangefinder")) {// Weapon has mms or target finder repl_weap = ""; // Ready a replacement weapon string tokens = strTok (weap, "+"); // Tokenize the current weapon string for (i = 0; i <tokens.size; i ++) {// Iterate over every token token = tokens [i]; if (i == 0) {// The first token should always be the weapon name repl_weap += token; // Add weapon name to replacement string } else {// Current token is not the weapon name if (token != "mms" && token != "rangefinder") {// Token is not the mms or rangefinder attachment repl_weap += "+" + token; // Add attachment to replacement string } } } self takeWeapon (weap); // Take weapon with restricted attachment self giveWeapon (repl_weap); // Give replacement weapon if (weap == self.primaryLoadoutWeapon) {// If the weapon taken was the player's primary self switchToWeapon (repl_weap); // Switch to the replacement weapon } } }
@Vexbane A third option (which is the one I suggested you to use) is to use the built in restriction system of the game:
Xerxes said in Removing MMS & Target Finder Attachments [Bo2]:
@Vexbane A third option (which is the one I suggested you to use) is to use the built in restriction system of the game:
I have already tried that. That was the first thing I tried, but it does not work. removing // does nothing
Cahz TheHiddenHour Kalitos Xerxes
Kalitos It works now! It did not work for some reason the first time... Maybe I copied and pasted something wrong.
Thank you guys for your time and effort helping me to figure this out.
@Vexbane Can work. but the code does not take into account the events when the player reappears or changes class. I suggest you try the code that I put in my topic. try it and see if it's what you need.
Xerxes the restraint system works only for weapons. but it doesn't work with accessories. And sometimes it doesn't work with kill streaks, either.
Kalitos said in Removing MMS & Target Finder Attachments [Bo2]:
@Vexbane Can work. but the code does not take into account the events when the player reappears or changes class. I suggest you try the code that I put in my topic. try it and see if it's what you need.
It was working... and still is working. but the server keeps crashing and restarting itself every 10-15 mins or so. not sure why
I did try your script, but it didnt work. I can try it again and see if I copied it wrong
could it be a hacker that is coming in that is conflicting some how with the script that would make server crash?
/* * Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio by iMCSx * * Creator : Kalitos * Project : Restriccion de armas * Mode : Multiplayer * Date : 2020/04/05 - 13:35:30 * */ #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message; init() { level.loadoutkillstreaksenabled = false; level.AttachmentRestrict="+rangefinder,+mms,"; level.WeaponRestrict= ""; level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); player thread doChangeClass(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(!isDefined(self.isFirstSpawn)) { self iprintln("^5Black Ops 2 - Script ^7| ^5Weapons ^7and ^5attachments ^7restriction ^5| ^7By: ^2Kalitos"); } } } doChangeClass() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill_any("changed_class", "spawned_player"); if ( level.inGracePeriod && !self.hasDoneCombat ) // used weapons check? { //player.checkChangeClass = true; changeWeaponsOnClass(); self notify ("change_class_complete"); } } } getNumClass(class) { if ( issubstr( class, "CLASS_CUSTOM" ) ) { switch ( class ) { case "CLASS_CUSTOM1": class_num1=0; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM2": class_num1=1; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM3": class_num1=2; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM4": class_num1=3; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM5": class_num1=4; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM6": class_num1=5; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM7": class_num1=6; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM8": class_num1=7; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM9": class_num1=8; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM10": class_num1=9; break; default : break; } return class_num1; } else { return level.classtoclassnum[class ]; } } changeWeaponsOnClass() { //self endon("disconnect"); //level endon("game_ended"); //self endon("round_ended"); self endon("change_class_complete"); class_num1 = getNumClass(self.class); weaponP = self getloadoutweapon( class_num1, "primary" ); weaponS = self getloadoutweapon( class_num1, "secondary" ); //self iprintln(weaponP + " :: " + weaponS); //self getloadoutitem( class_num, "primarygrenadecount" ); NWeaponP= getClearWeaponAttachment(weaponP); // Remove all attachment restrict NweaponS= getClearWeaponAttachment(weaponS); // Remove all attachment restrict if(NWeaponP!=weaponP) { self takeWeapon(weaponP); self giveWeapon(NWeaponP); self switchToWeapon(NWeaponP); } if(NWeaponS!=weaponS) { self takeWeapon(weaponS); self giveWeapon(NWeaponS); }else { restriccionAt = strTok(level.AttachmentRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); if(isInArray(arrayWeapon,"+dw")) // If pistol has +dw { if (getWeaponClassOfArray(weaponS) == "weapon_pistol" && getSizeArrayWeaponSrTok(weaponS)==1) { self takeWeapon(weaponS); self giveWeapon("beretta93r_mp"); } } } } getSizeArrayWeaponSrTok(array) { arrayWeapon = strTok(array,"+"); return arrayWeapon.size; } getWeaponClassOfArray(Weapon) { arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); return getWeaponClass(arrayWeapon[0]); } getClearWeaponAttachment(Weapon) { restriccionAt = strTok(level.AttachmentRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); NewWeapon = ""; if (checkWeaponNotAllowed(Weapon)==1) // If is a weapon restrict { arrayWeapon[0]= getWeaponAllowed(Weapon); // Replace weapon with aleatory weapon allowed ( Same Type that weapon restrict ) } for (j=0;j< arrayWeapon.size; j++) { if(j==0) // Is the weapon { temp=arrayWeapon[j]; }else { temp="+"+arrayWeapon[j]; } if(!isInArray(restriccionAt, temp)) { NewWeapon=NewWeapon+temp; } } return NewWeapon; } checkWeaponNotAllowed(Weapon) { restriccionWeapon = strTok(level.WeaponRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); if(isInArray(restriccionWeapon, arrayWeapon[0])) { return 1; } return 0; } getWeaponAllowed(Weapon) { restriccionWeapon = strTok(level.WeaponRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); arrayWeaponAllowed=WeaponsArray(getWeaponClass(arrayWeapon[0])); randomWeapon= ""; while(true) { randomWeaponIndex = randomInt(arrayWeaponAllowed.size); randomWeapon = arrayWeaponAllowed[randomWeaponIndex]; if(!isInArray(restriccionWeapon,randomWeapon)) { break; } } return randomWeapon; } WeaponsArray(category) { level.WeaponArray["All"][0] = "tar21_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][1] = "type95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][2] = "sig556_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][3] = "sa58_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][4] = "hk416_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][5] = "scar_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][6] = "saritch_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][7] = "xm8_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][8] = "an94_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][9] = "peacekeeper_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][10] = "870mcs_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][11] = "saiga12_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][12] = "ksg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][13] = "srm1216_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][14] = "mk48_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][15] = "qbb95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][16] = "lsat_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][17] = "hamr_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][18] = "mp7_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][19] = "pdw57_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][20] = "vector_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][21] = "insas_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][22] = "qcw05_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][23] = "evoskorpion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][24] = "svu_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][25] = "dsr50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][26] = "ballista_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][27] = "as50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][28] = "fiveseven_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][29] = "fnp45_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][30] = "beretta93r_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][31] = "judge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][32] = "kard_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][33] = "smaw_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][34] = "usrpg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][35] = "fhj18_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][36] = "crossbow_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][37] = "knife_ballistic_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][38] = "knife_held_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][39] = "frag_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][40] = "hatchet_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][41] = "sticky_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][42] = "satchel_charge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][43] = "bouncingbetty_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][44] = "claymore_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][45] = "flash_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][46] = "smoke_center_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][47] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][48] = "emp_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][49] = "sensor_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][50] = "pda_hack_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][51] = "tactical_insertion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][52] = "proximity_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][0] = "tar21_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][1] = "type95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][2] = "sig556_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][3] = "sa58_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][4] = "hk416_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][5] = "scar_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][6] = "saritch_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][7] = "xm8_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][8] = "an94_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][9] = "peacekeeper_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][0] = "870mcs_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][1] = "saiga12_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][2] = "ksg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][3] = "srm1216_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][0] = "mk48_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][1] = "qbb95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][2] = "lsat_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][3] = "hamr_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][0] = "mp7_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][1] = "pdw57_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][2] = "vector_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][3] = "insas_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][4] = "qcw05_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][5] = "evoskorpion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][0] = "svu_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][1] = "dsr50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][2] = "ballista_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][3] = "as50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][0] = "fiveseven_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][1] = "fnp45_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][2] = "beretta93r_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][3] = "judge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][4] = "kard_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][0] = "smaw_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][1] = "usrpg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][2] = "fhj18_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][0] = "crossbow_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][1] = "knife_ballistic_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][2] = "knife_held_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][0] = "frag_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][1] = "hatchet_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][2] = "sticky_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][3] = "satchel_charge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][4] = "bouncingbetty_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][5] = "claymore_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][0] = "flash_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][1] = "smoke_center_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][2] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][3] = "emp_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][4] = "sensor_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][5] = "pda_hack_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][6] = "tactical_insertion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][7] = "proximity_grenade_mp"; if (category == "All") return level.WeaponArray["All"]; else if(category == "weapon_assault") return level.WeaponArray["Assault"]; else if(category == "weapon_shotgun") return level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"]; else if(category == "weapon_lmg") return level.WeaponArray["Assault"]; //Replace with assault if you block all LMG else if(category == "weapon_smg") return level.WeaponArray["SMG"]; else if(category == "weapon_sniper") return level.WeaponArray["Sniper"]; else if(category == "weapon_pistol") return level.WeaponArray["Pistol"]; else if(category == "weapon_launcher") return level.WeaponArray["Pistol"]; // Replace with pistol if you block all launchers else if(category == "weapon_special") return level.WeaponArray["Special"]; else if(category == "weapon_grenade") return level.WeaponArray["Lethal"]; else if(category == "Tactical") return level.WeaponArray["Tactical"]; }
your "long" script is not working. The mms and target finder do not get removed. This is what happens with your long script:
- I start the server
- When I first enter the server, it works when I first spawn. There is no mms attachment., only iron sight.
- After I die, I spawn with the MMS.
- No matter how many times I die, it does not work after
- I close out the game, I restart,
- When I start playing, I spawn in with the MMS.
- I restart server.
- I spawn in with no MMS. only iron sight.
- The target finder I always spawn with. From start to finish, the script does not work for target finder at all in this version of the script.
the first "shorter script" worked but was crashing the server somehow.
@Vexbane I tried it in SYD mode, it works correctly, the detail is in TDM mode, the respawned way doesn't work the same as in SYD mode, so it doesn't work.
This line is the problemif (level.inGracePeriod &&! self.hasDoneCombat) // used weapons check?
When you die and reappear,
has no time, andhasDoneCombat
is not reset.What in SYD mode, in each round it is as if the player reconnected and those variables are reset.
Kalitos said in Removing MMS & Target Finder Attachments [Bo2]:
@Vexbane I tried it in SYD mode, it works correctly, the detail is in TDM mode, the respawned way doesn't work the same as in SYD mode, so it doesn't work.
This line is the problemif (level.inGracePeriod &&! self.hasDoneCombat) // used weapons check?
When you die and reappear,
has no time, andhasDoneCombat
is not reset.What in SYD mode, in each round it is as if the player reconnected and those variables are reset.
I am assuming SYD means search and destroy ( a game mode I never really played because of the timer ) so that actually makes a little more sense. which code are you referencing though, is that the one you made on other thread or the new shorter one? I guess i'll try to Ctrl + F on each to find it.
@Vexbane I was finally able to get it to work in a TDM mode, I tried it a bit, doing what you mentioned.
/* * Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio by iMCSx * * Creator : Kalitos * Project : Restriccion de armas * Mode : Multiplayer * Date : 2020/04/05 - 13:35:30 * */ #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message; init() { level.loadoutkillstreaksenabled = false; level.AttachmentRestrict="+rangefinder,+mms"; level.WeaponRestrict= "mp7_mp"; game["strings"]["change_class"] = undefined; level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); player thread doChangeClass(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(!isDefined(self.isFirstSpawn)) { self iprintln("^5Black Ops 2 - Script ^7| ^5Weapons ^7and ^5attachments ^7restriction ^5| ^7By: ^2Kalitos"); self.isFirstSpawn=true; } } } doChangeClass() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.OldPrimaryWeapon=""; self.OldSecondaryWeapon=""; for(;;) { self waittill_any("changed_class", "spawned_player"); //if ( level.inGracePeriod && !self.hasDoneCombat ) // used weapons check? //{ //self iprintln("Se ha iniciado el monitor de cambio de clase"); //player.checkChangeClass = true; changeWeaponsOnClass(); self notify ("change_class_complete"); //} //self iprintln("Periodo de gracia : " + level.inGracePeriod + ", Ha hecho combate: " + self.hasDoneCombat); } } getNumClass(class) { if ( issubstr( class, "CLASS_CUSTOM" ) ) { switch ( class ) { case "CLASS_CUSTOM1": class_num1=0; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM2": class_num1=1; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM3": class_num1=2; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM4": class_num1=3; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM5": class_num1=4; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM6": class_num1=5; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM7": class_num1=6; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM8": class_num1=7; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM9": class_num1=8; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM10": class_num1=9; break; default : break; } return class_num1; } else { return level.classtoclassnum[class ]; } } changeWeaponsOnClass() { //self endon("disconnect"); //level endon("game_ended"); //self endon("round_ended"); self endon("change_class_complete"); class_num1 = getNumClass(self.class); weaponP = self getloadoutweapon( class_num1, "primary" ); weaponS = self getloadoutweapon( class_num1, "secondary" ); //self iprintln(weaponP + " :: " + weaponS); //self getloadoutitem( class_num, "primarygrenadecount" ); if(self.OldPrimaryWeapon!=""){ self takeWeapon(self.OldPrimaryWeapon); } if(self.OldSecondaryWeapon!=""){ self takeWeapon(self.OldSecondaryWeapon); } NWeaponP= getClearWeaponAttachment(weaponP,"P"); // Remove all attachment restrict NweaponS= getClearWeaponAttachment(weaponS,"S"); // Remove all attachment restrict //self iprintln("Arma primaria: "+ self.OldPrimaryWeapon + ", Arma secundaria: " + self.OldSecondaryWeapon); //if(NWeaponP!=weaponP) //{ self takeWeapon(weaponP); self giveWeapon(NWeaponP); self switchToWeapon(NWeaponP); //} //if(NWeaponS!=weaponS) //{ wait 0.50; self takeWeapon(weaponS); self giveWeapon(NWeaponS); //}else //{ restriccionAt = strTok(level.AttachmentRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); if(isInArray(arrayWeapon,"+dw")) // If pistol has +dw { if (getWeaponClassOfArray(weaponS) == "weapon_pistol" && getSizeArrayWeaponSrTok(weaponS)==1) { self takeWeapon(weaponS); self giveWeapon("beretta93r_mp"); } } //} } getSizeArrayWeaponSrTok(array) { arrayWeapon = strTok(array,"+"); return arrayWeapon.size; } getWeaponClassOfArray(Weapon) { arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); return getWeaponClass(arrayWeapon[0]); } getClearWeaponAttachment(Weapon,PorS) { restriccionAt = strTok(level.AttachmentRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); NewWeapon = ""; if (checkWeaponNotAllowed(Weapon)==1) // If is a weapon restrict { arrayWeapon[0]= getWeaponAllowed(Weapon); // Replace weapon with aleatory weapon allowed ( Same Type that weapon restrict ) } for (j=0;j< arrayWeapon.size; j++) { if(j==0) // Is the weapon { temp=arrayWeapon[j]; }else { temp="+"+arrayWeapon[j]; } if(!isInArray(restriccionAt, temp)) { NewWeapon=NewWeapon+temp; } } if(PorS=="P"){ self.OldPrimaryWeapon=NewWeapon; }else{ self.OldSecondaryWeapon=NewWeapon; } return NewWeapon; } checkWeaponNotAllowed(Weapon) { if(level.WeaponRestrict==""){ return 0; } restriccionWeapon = strTok(level.WeaponRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); if(isInArray(restriccionWeapon, arrayWeapon[0])) { return 1; } return 0; } getWeaponAllowed(Weapon) { restriccionWeapon = strTok(level.WeaponRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); arrayWeaponAllowed=WeaponsArray(getWeaponClass(arrayWeapon[0])); randomWeapon= ""; while(true) { randomWeaponIndex = randomInt(arrayWeaponAllowed.size); randomWeapon = arrayWeaponAllowed[randomWeaponIndex]; if(!isInArray(restriccionWeapon,randomWeapon)) { break; } } return randomWeapon; } WeaponsArray(category) { level.WeaponArray["All"][0] = "tar21_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][1] = "type95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][2] = "sig556_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][3] = "sa58_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][4] = "hk416_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][5] = "scar_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][6] = "saritch_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][7] = "xm8_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][8] = "an94_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][9] = "peacekeeper_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][10] = "870mcs_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][11] = "saiga12_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][12] = "ksg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][13] = "srm1216_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][14] = "mk48_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][15] = "qbb95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][16] = "lsat_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][17] = "hamr_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][18] = "mp7_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][19] = "pdw57_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][20] = "vector_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][21] = "insas_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][22] = "qcw05_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][23] = "evoskorpion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][24] = "svu_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][25] = "dsr50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][26] = "ballista_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][27] = "as50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][28] = "fiveseven_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][29] = "fnp45_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][30] = "beretta93r_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][31] = "judge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][32] = "kard_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][33] = "smaw_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][34] = "usrpg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][35] = "fhj18_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][36] = "crossbow_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][37] = "knife_ballistic_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][38] = "knife_held_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][39] = "frag_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][40] = "hatchet_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][41] = "sticky_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][42] = "satchel_charge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][43] = "bouncingbetty_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][44] = "claymore_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][45] = "flash_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][46] = "smoke_center_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][47] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][48] = "emp_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][49] = "sensor_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][50] = "pda_hack_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][51] = "tactical_insertion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][52] = "proximity_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][0] = "tar21_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][1] = "type95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][2] = "sig556_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][3] = "sa58_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][4] = "hk416_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][5] = "scar_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][6] = "saritch_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][7] = "xm8_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][8] = "an94_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][9] = "peacekeeper_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][0] = "870mcs_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][1] = "saiga12_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][2] = "ksg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][3] = "srm1216_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][0] = "mk48_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][1] = "qbb95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][2] = "lsat_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][3] = "hamr_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][0] = "mp7_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][1] = "pdw57_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][2] = "vector_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][3] = "insas_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][4] = "qcw05_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][5] = "evoskorpion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][0] = "svu_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][1] = "dsr50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][2] = "ballista_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][3] = "as50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][0] = "fiveseven_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][1] = "fnp45_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][2] = "beretta93r_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][3] = "judge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][4] = "kard_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][0] = "smaw_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][1] = "usrpg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][2] = "fhj18_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][0] = "crossbow_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][1] = "knife_ballistic_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][2] = "knife_held_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][0] = "frag_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][1] = "hatchet_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][2] = "sticky_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][3] = "satchel_charge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][4] = "bouncingbetty_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][5] = "claymore_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][0] = "flash_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][1] = "smoke_center_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][2] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][3] = "emp_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][4] = "sensor_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][5] = "pda_hack_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][6] = "tactical_insertion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][7] = "proximity_grenade_mp"; if (category == "All") return level.WeaponArray["All"]; else if(category == "weapon_assault") return level.WeaponArray["Assault"]; else if(category == "weapon_shotgun") return level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"]; else if(category == "weapon_lmg") return level.WeaponArray["Assault"]; //Replace with assault if you block all LMG else if(category == "weapon_smg") return level.WeaponArray["SMG"]; else if(category == "weapon_sniper") return level.WeaponArray["Sniper"]; else if(category == "weapon_pistol") return level.WeaponArray["Pistol"]; else if(category == "weapon_launcher") return level.WeaponArray["Pistol"]; // Replace with pistol if you block all launchers else if(category == "weapon_special") return level.WeaponArray["Special"]; else if(category == "weapon_grenade") return level.WeaponArray["Lethal"]; else if(category == "Tactical") return level.WeaponArray["Tactical"]; }
Try it, and tell me.
Kalitos said in Removing MMS & Target Finder Attachments [Bo2]:
@Vexbane I was finally able to get it to work in a TDM mode, I tried it a bit, doing what you mentioned.
/* * Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio by iMCSx * * Creator : Kalitos * Project : Restriccion de armas * Mode : Multiplayer * Date : 2020/04/05 - 13:35:30 * */ #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message; init() { level.loadoutkillstreaksenabled = false; level.AttachmentRestrict="+rangefinder,+mms"; level.WeaponRestrict= "mp7_mp"; game["strings"]["change_class"] = undefined; level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); player thread doChangeClass(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(!isDefined(self.isFirstSpawn)) { self iprintln("^5Black Ops 2 - Script ^7| ^5Weapons ^7and ^5attachments ^7restriction ^5| ^7By: ^2Kalitos"); self.isFirstSpawn=true; } } } doChangeClass() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.OldPrimaryWeapon=""; self.OldSecondaryWeapon=""; for(;;) { self waittill_any("changed_class", "spawned_player"); //if ( level.inGracePeriod && !self.hasDoneCombat ) // used weapons check? //{ //self iprintln("Se ha iniciado el monitor de cambio de clase"); //player.checkChangeClass = true; changeWeaponsOnClass(); self notify ("change_class_complete"); //} //self iprintln("Periodo de gracia : " + level.inGracePeriod + ", Ha hecho combate: " + self.hasDoneCombat); } } getNumClass(class) { if ( issubstr( class, "CLASS_CUSTOM" ) ) { switch ( class ) { case "CLASS_CUSTOM1": class_num1=0; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM2": class_num1=1; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM3": class_num1=2; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM4": class_num1=3; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM5": class_num1=4; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM6": class_num1=5; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM7": class_num1=6; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM8": class_num1=7; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM9": class_num1=8; break; case "CLASS_CUSTOM10": class_num1=9; break; default : break; } return class_num1; } else { return level.classtoclassnum[class ]; } } changeWeaponsOnClass() { //self endon("disconnect"); //level endon("game_ended"); //self endon("round_ended"); self endon("change_class_complete"); class_num1 = getNumClass(self.class); weaponP = self getloadoutweapon( class_num1, "primary" ); weaponS = self getloadoutweapon( class_num1, "secondary" ); //self iprintln(weaponP + " :: " + weaponS); //self getloadoutitem( class_num, "primarygrenadecount" ); if(self.OldPrimaryWeapon!=""){ self takeWeapon(self.OldPrimaryWeapon); } if(self.OldSecondaryWeapon!=""){ self takeWeapon(self.OldSecondaryWeapon); } NWeaponP= getClearWeaponAttachment(weaponP,"P"); // Remove all attachment restrict NweaponS= getClearWeaponAttachment(weaponS,"S"); // Remove all attachment restrict //self iprintln("Arma primaria: "+ self.OldPrimaryWeapon + ", Arma secundaria: " + self.OldSecondaryWeapon); //if(NWeaponP!=weaponP) //{ self takeWeapon(weaponP); self giveWeapon(NWeaponP); self switchToWeapon(NWeaponP); //} //if(NWeaponS!=weaponS) //{ wait 0.50; self takeWeapon(weaponS); self giveWeapon(NWeaponS); //}else //{ restriccionAt = strTok(level.AttachmentRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); if(isInArray(arrayWeapon,"+dw")) // If pistol has +dw { if (getWeaponClassOfArray(weaponS) == "weapon_pistol" && getSizeArrayWeaponSrTok(weaponS)==1) { self takeWeapon(weaponS); self giveWeapon("beretta93r_mp"); } } //} } getSizeArrayWeaponSrTok(array) { arrayWeapon = strTok(array,"+"); return arrayWeapon.size; } getWeaponClassOfArray(Weapon) { arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); return getWeaponClass(arrayWeapon[0]); } getClearWeaponAttachment(Weapon,PorS) { restriccionAt = strTok(level.AttachmentRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); NewWeapon = ""; if (checkWeaponNotAllowed(Weapon)==1) // If is a weapon restrict { arrayWeapon[0]= getWeaponAllowed(Weapon); // Replace weapon with aleatory weapon allowed ( Same Type that weapon restrict ) } for (j=0;j< arrayWeapon.size; j++) { if(j==0) // Is the weapon { temp=arrayWeapon[j]; }else { temp="+"+arrayWeapon[j]; } if(!isInArray(restriccionAt, temp)) { NewWeapon=NewWeapon+temp; } } if(PorS=="P"){ self.OldPrimaryWeapon=NewWeapon; }else{ self.OldSecondaryWeapon=NewWeapon; } return NewWeapon; } checkWeaponNotAllowed(Weapon) { if(level.WeaponRestrict==""){ return 0; } restriccionWeapon = strTok(level.WeaponRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); if(isInArray(restriccionWeapon, arrayWeapon[0])) { return 1; } return 0; } getWeaponAllowed(Weapon) { restriccionWeapon = strTok(level.WeaponRestrict,","); arrayWeapon = strTok(Weapon,"+"); arrayWeaponAllowed=WeaponsArray(getWeaponClass(arrayWeapon[0])); randomWeapon= ""; while(true) { randomWeaponIndex = randomInt(arrayWeaponAllowed.size); randomWeapon = arrayWeaponAllowed[randomWeaponIndex]; if(!isInArray(restriccionWeapon,randomWeapon)) { break; } } return randomWeapon; } WeaponsArray(category) { level.WeaponArray["All"][0] = "tar21_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][1] = "type95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][2] = "sig556_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][3] = "sa58_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][4] = "hk416_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][5] = "scar_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][6] = "saritch_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][7] = "xm8_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][8] = "an94_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][9] = "peacekeeper_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][10] = "870mcs_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][11] = "saiga12_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][12] = "ksg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][13] = "srm1216_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][14] = "mk48_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][15] = "qbb95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][16] = "lsat_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][17] = "hamr_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][18] = "mp7_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][19] = "pdw57_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][20] = "vector_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][21] = "insas_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][22] = "qcw05_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][23] = "evoskorpion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][24] = "svu_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][25] = "dsr50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][26] = "ballista_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][27] = "as50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][28] = "fiveseven_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][29] = "fnp45_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][30] = "beretta93r_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][31] = "judge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][32] = "kard_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][33] = "smaw_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][34] = "usrpg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][35] = "fhj18_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][36] = "crossbow_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][37] = "knife_ballistic_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][38] = "knife_held_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][39] = "frag_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][40] = "hatchet_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][41] = "sticky_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][42] = "satchel_charge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][43] = "bouncingbetty_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][44] = "claymore_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][45] = "flash_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][46] = "smoke_center_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][47] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][48] = "emp_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][49] = "sensor_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][50] = "pda_hack_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][51] = "tactical_insertion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["All"][52] = "proximity_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][0] = "tar21_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][1] = "type95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][2] = "sig556_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][3] = "sa58_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][4] = "hk416_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][5] = "scar_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][6] = "saritch_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][7] = "xm8_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][8] = "an94_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Assault"][9] = "peacekeeper_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][0] = "870mcs_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][1] = "saiga12_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][2] = "ksg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"][3] = "srm1216_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][0] = "mk48_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][1] = "qbb95_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][2] = "lsat_mp"; level.WeaponArray["LMG"][3] = "hamr_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][0] = "mp7_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][1] = "pdw57_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][2] = "vector_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][3] = "insas_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][4] = "qcw05_mp"; level.WeaponArray["SMG"][5] = "evoskorpion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][0] = "svu_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][1] = "dsr50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][2] = "ballista_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Sniper"][3] = "as50_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][0] = "fiveseven_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][1] = "fnp45_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][2] = "beretta93r_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][3] = "judge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Pistol"][4] = "kard_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][0] = "smaw_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][1] = "usrpg_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Launcher"][2] = "fhj18_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][0] = "crossbow_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][1] = "knife_ballistic_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Special"][2] = "knife_held_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][0] = "frag_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][1] = "hatchet_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][2] = "sticky_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][3] = "satchel_charge_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][4] = "bouncingbetty_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Lethal"][5] = "claymore_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][0] = "flash_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][1] = "smoke_center_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][2] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][3] = "emp_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][4] = "sensor_grenade_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][5] = "pda_hack_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][6] = "tactical_insertion_mp"; level.WeaponArray["Tactical"][7] = "proximity_grenade_mp"; if (category == "All") return level.WeaponArray["All"]; else if(category == "weapon_assault") return level.WeaponArray["Assault"]; else if(category == "weapon_shotgun") return level.WeaponArray["Shotgun"]; else if(category == "weapon_lmg") return level.WeaponArray["Assault"]; //Replace with assault if you block all LMG else if(category == "weapon_smg") return level.WeaponArray["SMG"]; else if(category == "weapon_sniper") return level.WeaponArray["Sniper"]; else if(category == "weapon_pistol") return level.WeaponArray["Pistol"]; else if(category == "weapon_launcher") return level.WeaponArray["Pistol"]; // Replace with pistol if you block all launchers else if(category == "weapon_special") return level.WeaponArray["Special"]; else if(category == "weapon_grenade") return level.WeaponArray["Lethal"]; else if(category == "Tactical") return level.WeaponArray["Tactical"]; }
Try it, and tell me.
Thank you, I will tomorrow, cheers
THANK YOU SO MUCH MUCHAS MUCHAS GRACIAS Kalitos working on a SnD server for my friends this is going to work great! If there is a way to get camos or if you add it i would love to know!
CalebKappa Well, if there is a way to obtain camouflages, there is, knowing how to program it, I personally was not interested in that part when carrying out the entire project. In the forum I remember reading a bit about camouflaging the main weapon, it would only be a matter of adapting it to the project.
Kalitos how do I get this file into the game?