[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]
seems noice
AdrX003 thank you boss man
Literally i love you and love your Tranzit
@PoPGoesRichtofen I'm glad that you like it
And to answer your question about patreon, no I don't have a patreon account.
Ultimateman My brother, excuse me. Could you send me the files by Discord but decompiled so I can edit them? I want to decompile them, and in all of them I get an error on the line: 276. And the truth is, I want to know how to remove the damage from the lava to edit it in my own way. Please brother, I ask you. My Discord: Espitix # 6947
@Espitiax ive already provided the source files
@Espitiax wouldn't bother decompiling unless Ultimateman gives the source out tbh
im new to plutonium how does one install this?
attached a tutorial is provided in the downloadable file
the easter egg can be done in solo?
Awesome work, great job!
@lResxt Thanks man, much appreciated!
where is the source code?
EmotionalOreo Source code won't be provided.
how do I play with it though?
Ultimateman do i have to buy the actual game bo2 to play this
Duffman43 download bo2 from torrent or steam and use plutonium client to play the mod. Full details can be found from our discord server.
1mmortal The trailer's description has all the things u need
why is this happening
Ultimateman How to donload?