[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]
Ultimateman i said it was either because of a corrupted file or because it was poorly made. in this case if its not poorly made, then theres something else happening. the point of that comment wasnt to give reason of why it happened, it was to warn people in case the issue happened for them too and how to fix it, since i was the only one who said anything about it.
Ultimateman Dude..
This is sick, muy top amigo. You just need to polish a few things on the map. Keep up the good work.
(Sorry if my english sucks, i'm still studying this language).
toallita thank you. Easter egg will be updated to the map eventually, no other improvements can be made to the polishing side since some things can't be changed at all
this mod is overriding my _clientids and i cant use other mods with it. cant decompile it either, what did he to do it?
It would be nice if we could have options to cutozimzie the map how we like. Like, the whole thing with pap and the buildables is nice, but i think the jetgun was too strong and the map is just...way too bright for my liking.
Maybe give us optiions to enable what we like to?
This post is deleted!
bumping this up
Ultimateman How to use the lamps?
Prado can't atm
wow man, nice job
Big thanks -
I tried playing this mod but its saying script failure, idk what to do, help
Moha92mmed glad you like it no problem!
Bickylotheboist where did you try placing the files? The location path?
Ultimateman Hi, when im playing for some reason a square apears in the screen, in the site it should be the sun, and i dont know how to remove it!
i put it where you told me to in the instructions and it did a script failure
andres18054 Hi! Please remove sun_zombie.iwi file from the images folder. This will fix the glitch!
Bickylotheboist You are running other mods with tranzit 2.0. To fix this remove other mods and only run tranzit 2.0 files!
Is there a way to have everything as it was before, without having to download everything again?
RedEnder rename maps folder to maps1 and images folder to images1. That way you can play vanilla without needing to download / replace anything. If you want to play with the mod again just rename already renamed folders as they were
Thanks You