[Release] IW5 Mapvote
How can I make it change the game mode too?
I have adapted it in my own way so that it supports voting for maps and game modes.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; init() { precacheshader("gradient_fadein"); precacheshader("gradient_top"); precacheshader("white"); //Set here the maps you want to rotate, separate them with a #. level.mapvotemaps = strtok("mp_alpha#mp_bootleg#mp_bravo#mp_carbon#mp_dome#mp_exchange#mp_hardhat#mp_interchange#mp_lambeth#mp_mogadishu#mp_paris#mp_plaza2#mp_radar#mp_seatown#mp_underground#mp_village#mp_terminal_cls#mp_rust#mp_highrise#mp_italy#mp_park#mp_overwatch#mp_morningwood#mp_meteora#mp_cement#mp_qadeem#mp_restrepo_ss#mp_hillside_ss#mp_courtyard_ss#mp_aground_ss#mp_six_ss#mp_burn_ss#mp_crosswalk_ss#mp_shipbreaker#mp_roughneck#mp_moab#mp_boardwalk#mp_nola#mp_favela#mp_nuked#mp_nightshift", "#"); //Set the type/gamemode here, whatever your dsr file is called without the . When doing so, you must also modify within the "maptostring()" function in the "switch(type)" section so that the name of the dsr file matches the type/game mode. level.mapvotetype = strtok("TDM_default#DOM_default", "#"); //The description of maps must go hand in hand with the maps, so that there are no errors when showing them in the vote. level.mapvotedescs = strtok("European city center. Great for Team \nDefender.#Medium sized Asian market. Fun for all game \nmodes.#African colonial settlement. Fight to control \nthe center.#Medium sized refinery. Great for any number \nof players.#Small outpost in the desert. Fast and frantic \naction.#Urban map with wide streets. Good for long \nand short range fights.#A small construction site. Fast paced, close \nquarter action.#Destroyed freeway. Great for a wide range of \nspaces and styles.#Derelict Russian ghost town. Great for \ncareful, tactical engagements.#Crash site in an African city. Classic urban \ncombat.#Parisian district. Great for Domination and Kill \nConfirmed.#Medium sized German mall. Intense Search & \nDestroy games.#Large Siberian airbase. Great for epic large \nbattles.#A costal town. Narrow streets bring hectic, \nclose encounters.#Small subway station. Fast paced action both \ninside and out.#Large African village. Great for all game \nmodes.#Russian airport terminal under siege. The \nclassic fan favorite is back.#Tiny desert sandstorm. Fast-paced action on \na small map.#Classic MW2's Rooftop skyscraper.#A small coastal Italian town. Features tight \nclose quarter combat.#Large New York park set in autumn. Great for \nlong distance fire fights.#Unfinished top of a skyscraper. Features \ntense Demolition matches.#Air Force One crash site. Very open map with a \nfew homes that provide cover.#Greek Monastery on a sandstone pillar. \nFeatures both medium and long range combat.#Korean cement factory. Great for close \nquarter combat and tactical maneuvering.#Luxury resort in Dubai. Features Intense \nDomination maches# Remote outpost in Afghanistan. Tight, Sparse \ninteriors linked by open lanes and overlooks #Upscale beachside retreat. Multi-tiered run \nand gun combat haven. #Roman ruins near Mt. Vesuvius. Strong \ninteriors offset by multi-level flanks.#Shipwreck on the irish coast. Open layout \nallows for long distance engagements#American farm in the path of a monster \ntornado. Sparse interiors and well-defined lanes.#War torn section of mid-east highway. \nPlentiful cover and close quarter fighting#Metro intersection on lockdown. Strong \ninterior locations and tactical urban combat#Ship scavenging operation on the indian \ncoast. Dominant overwatch positions and \n strong flank routes.#Deep Water drilling rig. Medium to long range \nengagements between multi-tiered, joined \nplatforms#Abandoned Utah mining settlement. Features \nan open layout and strong flanks.#Jersey shore amusement boardwalk. \nElevated main path set off by close quarters. \nflanks#New Orleans under assault. Features \nfast-paced matches with abundant close \nquarters fighting.#Alleyways of Brazil. Great for all modes\nand all sizes.#A deserted nuke testing facility used in the Cold War.#Urban City fighting. In and out of apartments/nclose range engagements.", "#"); level.mapvoteindices = []; tryes = 0; while(level.mapvoteindices.size < 6 && tryes < 100) { tryes++; j = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); k = randomint(level.mapvotetype.size); while(inArray(level.mapvoteindices,(level.mapvotemaps[j] + "#" + level.mapvotetype[k] + "#" + level.mapvotedescs[j]))) { j = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); k = randomint(level.mapvotetype.size); } level.mapvoteindices[level.mapvoteindices.size] = level.mapvotemaps[j] + "#" + level.mapvotetype[k] + "#" + level.mapvotedescs[j]; } replacefunc(maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::waittillFinalKillcamDone, ::finalkillcamhook); } finalkillcamhook() { if (!IsDefined(level.finalkillcam_winner)) { mapvote(); return false; } else { level waittill("final_killcam_done"); mapvote(); return true; } } mapvote() { if (!waslastround()) return; level.mapvoteui[0] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 120, 350, 20, (0.157,0.173,0.161), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[1] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 140, 350, 60, (0.310,0.349,0.275), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[2] = shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 140, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, true); level.mapvoteui[3] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 200, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[4] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 220, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[5] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 240, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[6] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 260, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[7] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 280, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[8] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 300, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[9] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 320, 350, 20, (0.157,0.173,.161), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[10] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 340, 350, 20, (0.310,0.349,0.275), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[11] = shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 320, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, true); level.mapvoteui[12] = text(&"VOTING PHASE: ", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 130, 1, "hudSmall", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 20); level.mapvoteui[13] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[0],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[0],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 210, 1.5, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[14] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[1],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[1],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 230, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[15] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[2],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[2],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 250, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[16] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[3],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[3],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 270, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[17] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[4],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[4],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 290, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[18] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[5],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[5],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 310, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); ////////////// //TODO: speed_throw/toggleads_throw will show bound/unbound for hold/toggle ads players. compromise may be to use forward/back, depending on how controller //bindings handle this. level.mapvoteui[19] = text("Up ^2[{+attack}] ^7Down ^2[{+toggleads_throw}]", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 330, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[20] = text("Vote ^2[{+activate}]", "RIGHT", "TOP", 170, 330, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); foreach(player in level.players) player thread input(); for(i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { level.mapvoteui[12] setvalue(20 - i); //playsoundonplayers("trophy_detect_projectile"); wait 1; } level notify("mapvote_over"); besti = 0; bestv = -1; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(level.mapvoteui[i + 13].value > bestv) { besti = i; bestv = level.mapvoteui[i + 13].value; } } //Note: We wait to prevent the scoreboard popping up at the end for a cleaner transition (Don't wait infinitely as a failsafe). //TODO: Proper manipulation of sv_level.mapvotemaps is the better way to do this as it would allow the final scoreboard to show. setDvar( "sv_maprotationcurrent", "dsr " + strTok(level.mapvoteindices[besti],"#")[1] + " map " + strTok(level.mapvoteindices[besti],"#")[0] ); } input() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("mapvote_over"); index = 0; selected = -1; select[0] = self text((index + 1) + "/6", "RIGHT", "TOP", 170, 130, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, false); select[1] = self text(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[index],"#")[2], "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 150, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, false); select[2] = self shader("gradient_fadein", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 200, 350, 20, (1,1,1), 0.5, 2, false); select[3] = self shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 220, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, false); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+attack"); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+forward"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+toggleads_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+speed_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+back"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+usereload"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+activate"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+frag"); for(;;) { command = self waittill_any_return("up", "down", "select"); if(command == "up" && index > 0) { index--; select[0] settext((index + 1) + "/6"); select[1] settext(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[index],"#")[2]); select[2].y -= 20; select[3].y -= 20; self playlocalsound("mouse_over"); } else if(command == "down" && index < 5) { index++; select[0] settext((index + 1) + "/6"); select[1] settext(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[index],"#")[2]); select[2].y += 20; select[3].y += 20; self playlocalsound("mouse_over"); } else if(command == "select") { if(selected == -1) { selected = index; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value += 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text = strTok(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text,":")[0] + ":" + level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] settext(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); //iPrintLn(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); self playlocalsound("mouse_click"); } else if(selected != index) { level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value -= 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text = strTok(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text,":")[0] + ":" + level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] settext(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); selected = index; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value += 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text = strTok(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text,":")[0] + ":" + level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] settext(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); //iPrintLn(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); self playlocalsound("mouse_click"); } } } } text(text, align, relative, x, y, fontscale, font, color, alpha, sort, server, value) { element = spawnstruct(); if(server) { element = createServerFontString( font, fontscale ); } else { element = self createFontString( font, fontscale ); } if(isdefined(value)) { element.label = text; element.value = value; element setvalue(value); } else { element settext(text); element.text = text; element.value = 0; } element.hidewheninmenu = true; element.color = color; element.alpha = alpha; element.sort = sort; element setpoint(align, relative, x, y); return element; } addTextHud( who, x, y, alpha, alignX, alignY, horiz, vert, fontScale, sort ) { if( isPlayer( who ) ) hud = newClientHudElem( who ); else hud = newHudElem(); hud.x = x; hud.y = y; hud.alpha = alpha; hud.sort = sort; hud.alignX = alignX; hud.alignY = alignY; if(isdefined(vert)) hud.vertAlign = vert; if(isdefined(horiz)) hud.horzAlign = horiz; if(fontScale != 0) hud.fontScale = fontScale; hud.foreground = 1; hud.archived = 0; return hud; } shader(shader, align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, alpha, sort, server) { element = spawnstruct(); if(server) { element = newhudelem(self); } else { element = newclienthudelem(self); } element.elemtype = "icon"; element.hidewheninmenu = true; element.shader = shader; element.width = width; element.height = height; element.align = align; element.relative = relative; element.xoffset = 0; element.yoffset = 0; element.children = []; element.sort = sort; element.color = color; element.alpha = alpha; element setparent(level.uiparent); element setshader(shader, width, height); element setpoint(align, relative, x, y); return element; } randomindices() { array = []; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { array[i] = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (array[i] == array[j]) { i--; break; } } } return array; } maptostring(map,type) { switch(map) { case "mp_alpha": map = "LOCKDOWN"; break; case "mp_bootleg": map = "BOOTLEG"; break; case "mp_bravo": map = "MISSION"; break; case "mp_carbon": map = "CARBON"; break; case "mp_dome": map = "DOME"; break; case "mp_exchange": map = "DOWNTURN"; break; case "mp_hardhat": map = "HARDHAT"; break; case "mp_interchange": map = "INTERCHANGE"; break; case "mp_lambeth": map = "FALLEN"; break; case "mp_mogadishu": map = "BAKAARA"; break; case "mp_paris": map = "RESISTANCE"; break; case "mp_plaza2": map = "ARKADEN"; break; case "mp_radar": map = "OUTPOST"; break; case "mp_seatown": map = "SEATOWN"; break; case "mp_underground": map = "UNDERGROUND"; break; case "mp_village": map = "VILLAGE"; break; case "mp_terminal_cls": map = "TERMINAL"; break; case "mp_rust": map = "RUST"; break; case "mp_highrise": map = "HIGHRISE"; break; case "mp_italy": map = "PIAZZA"; break; case "mp_park": map = "LIBERATION"; break; case "mp_overwatch": map = "OVERWATCH"; break; case "mp_morningwood": map = "BLACK BOX"; break; case "mp_meteora": map = "SANCTUARY"; break; case "mp_qadeem": map = "OASIS"; break; case "mp_restrepo_ss": map = "LOOKOUT"; break; case "mp_hillside_ss": map = "GETAWAY"; break; case "mp_courtyard_ss": map = "EROSION"; break; case "mp_aground_ss": map = "AGROUND"; break; case "mp_six_ss": map = "VORTEX"; break; case "mp_burn_ss": map = "U-TURN"; break; case "mp_crosswalk_ss": map = "INTERSECTION"; break; case "mp_shipbreaker": map = "DECOMMISSION"; break; case "mp_roughneck": map = "OFF SHORE"; break; case "mp_moab": map = "GULCH"; break; case "mp_boardwalk": map = "BOARDWALK"; break; case "mp_nola": map = "PARISH"; break; case "mp_favela": map = "FAVELA"; break; case "mp_nuked": map = "NUKETOWN"; break; case "mp_nightshift": map = "SKIDROW"; break; case "mp_cement": map = "FOUNDATION"; break; default: break; } switch(type) { case "TDM_default": map = map + " (TEAM DEATHMATCH)" + " :0"; break; case "DOM_default":map = map + " (DOMINATION)" + " :0"; break; case "DEM_default": map = map + " (DEMOLITION)" + " :0"; break; case "INF_Default": map = map + " (INFECTED)" + " :0"; break; case "FFA_default":map = map + " (FREE FOR ALL)" + " :0"; break; case "CTF_default":map = map + " (CAPTURE THE FLAG)" + " :0"; break; case "DZ_default":map = map + " (DROP ZONE)" + " :0"; break; case "GG_default":map = map + " (GUN GAME)" + " :0"; break; case "HQ_default":map = map + " (HEADQUARTERS)" + " :0"; break; case "JUG_default":map = map + " (JUGGERNAUT)" + " :0"; break; case "KC_default":map = map + " (KILL CONFIRMED)" + " :0"; break; case "OIC_default":map = map + " (ONE IN THE CHAMBER)" + " :0"; break; case "SAB_default":map = map + " (SABOTAGE)" + " :0"; break; case "SD_default":map = map + " (SEARCH AND DESTROY)" + " :0"; break; case "TDEF_default":map = map + " (TEAM DEFENDER)" + " :0"; break; case "TJ_default":map = map + " (TEAM JUGGERNAUT)" + " :0"; break; default: break; } return map; } inArray(array, text) { for(i=0; i<array.size; i++) { if(array[i] == text) return true; } return false; }
First of all, thanks for making this open source. It's a great script.
I'm running a vanilla server that's supposed to replicate the original feel, and as we know the original game only had the option to choose between 2 maps instead of 6.
So I made a fork that only gives you two maps to choose from. Most people would say that's taking away from the QOL, and well, you aren't wrong. But I like it better for my niche case, and it results in more variety.
Only having an A/B logic opens the door for easier controls, all buttons now move between A and B without being restricted to only up or only down. I also tried to take advantage of the simplifications to optimize the script, I'm sure there's more that can be done since this is my first .gsc script.
I'm sure you'll dismiss the 2-maps-only idea, but there's a change I made that you might want to consider: the text in the top right corner now shows total votes/players. Your version shows the index position of the cursor, which I don't really see the benefit of.
Another thing I did is select a random map in a tie instead of always picking the first one.
Link to the fork with more description: https://github.com/cachho/iw5-mapvote/
So when I use this for infected it works but we cannot see the white line on what map to vote any fixes?
avatar kora Which version are you using
Kalitos I got from the git hub page so I am assuming the first one
If anyone else has issues with the white line not displaying Kalitos helped me and we figured out (in addition to making sure your map and modes formats are correct and you have as much maps and maps descriptions etc.) that Birchy's cranked script would cause that issue.
I didn't take the time to try to debug it and see what exactly causes that but removing the script fixed the issue for me.
I also noted that thecreateServerFontString()
function seems to cause an issue with thatavatar kora maybe this can help you too
Another version, which does not need a description, in my simplest way. Keeps mode/map vote option
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; init() { precacheshader("gradient_fadein"); precacheshader("gradient_top"); precacheshader("white"); //Set here the maps you want to rotate, separate them with a #. level.mapvotemaps = strtok("mp_alpha#mp_bootleg#mp_bravo#mp_carbon#mp_dome#mp_exchange#mp_hardhat#mp_interchange#mp_lambeth#mp_mogadishu#mp_paris#mp_plaza2#mp_radar#mp_seatown#mp_underground#mp_village#mp_terminal_cls#mp_rust#mp_highrise#mp_italy#mp_park#mp_overwatch#mp_morningwood#mp_meteora#mp_cement#mp_qadeem#mp_restrepo_ss#mp_hillside_ss#mp_courtyard_ss#mp_aground_ss#mp_six_ss#mp_burn_ss#mp_crosswalk_ss#mp_shipbreaker#mp_roughneck#mp_moab#mp_boardwalk#mp_nola#mp_favela#mp_nuked#mp_nightshift", "#"); //Set the type/gamemode here, whatever your dsr file is called without the . When doing so, you must also modify within the "maptostring()" function in the "switch(type)" section so that the name of the dsr file matches the type/game mode. level.mapvotetype = strtok("TDM_default#DOM_default", "#"); level.mapvoteindices = []; tryes = 0; while(level.mapvoteindices.size < 6 && tryes < 100) { tryes++; j = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); k = randomint(level.mapvotetype.size); while(inArray(level.mapvoteindices,(level.mapvotemaps[j] + "#" + level.mapvotetype[k]))) { j = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); k = randomint(level.mapvotetype.size); } level.mapvoteindices[level.mapvoteindices.size] = level.mapvotemaps[j] + "#" + level.mapvotetype[k]; } replacefunc(maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::waittillFinalKillcamDone, ::finalkillcamhook); } finalkillcamhook() { if (!IsDefined(level.finalkillcam_winner)) { mapvote(); return false; } else { level waittill("final_killcam_done"); mapvote(); return true; } } mapvote() { if (!waslastround()) return; level.mapvoteui[0] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 120, 350, 20, (0.157,0.173,0.161), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[1] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 140, 350, 20, (0.310,0.349,0.275), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[2] = shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 140, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, true); level.mapvoteui[3] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 160, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); //160 level.mapvoteui[4] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 180, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); //180 level.mapvoteui[5] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 200, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); //200 level.mapvoteui[6] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 220, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); //220 level.mapvoteui[7] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 240, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); //240 level.mapvoteui[8] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 260, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); //260 level.mapvoteui[9] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 280, 350, 20, (0.157,0.173,.161), 1, 1, true); //280 level.mapvoteui[10] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 300, 350, 20, (0.310,0.349,0.275), 1, 1, true); //300 level.mapvoteui[11] = shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 280, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, true); // 280 level.mapvoteui[12] = text(&"VOTING PHASE: ", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 130, 1, "hudSmall", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 20); // level.mapvoteui[13] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[0],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[0],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 170, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); // 170 level.mapvoteui[14] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[1],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[1],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 190, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); // 190 level.mapvoteui[15] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[2],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[2],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 210, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); // 210 level.mapvoteui[16] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[3],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[3],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 230, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); // 230 level.mapvoteui[17] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[4],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[4],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 250, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); // 250 level.mapvoteui[18] = text( maptostring(strTok(level.mapvoteindices[5],"#")[0], strTok(level.mapvoteindices[5],"#")[1]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 270, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); // 270 ////////////// //TODO: speed_throw/toggleads_throw will show bound/unbound for hold/toggle ads players. compromise may be to use forward/back, depending on how controller //bindings handle this. level.mapvoteui[19] = text("Up ^2[{+attack}] ^7Down ^2[{+toggleads_throw}]", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 290, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); //290 level.mapvoteui[20] = text("Vote ^2[{+activate}]", "RIGHT", "TOP", 170, 290, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); //290 foreach(player in level.players) player thread input(); for(i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { level.mapvoteui[12] setvalue(20 - i); //playsoundonplayers("trophy_detect_projectile"); wait 1; } level notify("mapvote_over"); besti = 0; bestv = -1; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(level.mapvoteui[i + 13].value > bestv) { besti = i; bestv = level.mapvoteui[i + 13].value; } } //Note: We wait to prevent the scoreboard popping up at the end for a cleaner transition (Don't wait infinitely as a failsafe). //TODO: Proper manipulation of sv_level.mapvotemaps is the better way to do this as it would allow the final scoreboard to show. setDvar( "sv_maprotationcurrent", "dsr " + strTok(level.mapvoteindices[besti],"#")[1] + " map " + strTok(level.mapvoteindices[besti],"#")[0] ); } input() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("mapvote_over"); index = 0; selected = -1; select[0] = self text((index + 1) + "/6", "RIGHT", "TOP", 170, 130, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, false); //select[1] = self text(" ", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 150, 1, "objective", (1,1,1), 1, 3, false); select[2] = self shader("gradient_fadein", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 160, 350, 20, (1,1,1), 0.5, 2, false); select[3] = self shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 180, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, false); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+attack"); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+forward"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+toggleads_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+speed_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+back"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+usereload"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+activate"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+frag"); for(;;) { command = self waittill_any_return("up", "down", "select"); if(command == "up" && index > 0) { index--; select[0] settext((index + 1) + "/6"); //select[1] settext(" "); select[2].y -= 20; select[3].y -= 20; self playlocalsound("mouse_over"); } else if(command == "down" && index < 5) { index++; select[0] settext((index + 1) + "/6"); //select[1] settext(" "); select[2].y += 20; select[3].y += 20; self playlocalsound("mouse_over"); } else if(command == "select") { if(selected == -1) { selected = index; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value += 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text = strTok(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text,":")[0] + ":" + level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] settext(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); //iPrintLn(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); self playlocalsound("mouse_click"); } else if(selected != index) { level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value -= 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text = strTok(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text,":")[0] + ":" + level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] settext(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); selected = index; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value += 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text = strTok(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text,":")[0] + ":" + level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] settext(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); //iPrintLn(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].text); self playlocalsound("mouse_click"); } } } } text(text, align, relative, x, y, fontscale, font, color, alpha, sort, server, value) { element = spawnstruct(); if(server) { element = createServerFontString( font, fontscale ); } else { element = self createFontString( font, fontscale ); } if(isdefined(value)) { element.label = text; element.value = value; element setvalue(value); } else { element settext(text); element.text = text; element.value = 0; } element.hidewheninmenu = true; element.color = color; element.alpha = alpha; element.sort = sort; element setpoint(align, relative, x, y); return element; } addTextHud( who, x, y, alpha, alignX, alignY, horiz, vert, fontScale, sort ) { if( isPlayer( who ) ) hud = newClientHudElem( who ); else hud = newHudElem(); hud.x = x; hud.y = y; hud.alpha = alpha; hud.sort = sort; hud.alignX = alignX; hud.alignY = alignY; if(isdefined(vert)) hud.vertAlign = vert; if(isdefined(horiz)) hud.horzAlign = horiz; if(fontScale != 0) hud.fontScale = fontScale; hud.foreground = 1; hud.archived = 0; return hud; } shader(shader, align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, alpha, sort, server) { element = spawnstruct(); if(server) { element = newhudelem(self); } else { element = newclienthudelem(self); } element.elemtype = "icon"; element.hidewheninmenu = true; element.shader = shader; element.width = width; element.height = height; element.align = align; element.relative = relative; element.xoffset = 0; element.yoffset = 0; element.children = []; element.sort = sort; element.color = color; element.alpha = alpha; element setparent(level.uiparent); element setshader(shader, width, height); element setpoint(align, relative, x, y); return element; } randomindices() { array = []; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { array[i] = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (array[i] == array[j]) { i--; break; } } } return array; } maptostring(map,type) { switch(map) { case "mp_alpha": map = "LOCKDOWN"; break; case "mp_bootleg": map = "BOOTLEG"; break; case "mp_bravo": map = "MISSION"; break; case "mp_carbon": map = "CARBON"; break; case "mp_dome": map = "DOME"; break; case "mp_exchange": map = "DOWNTURN"; break; case "mp_hardhat": map = "HARDHAT"; break; case "mp_interchange": map = "INTERCHANGE"; break; case "mp_lambeth": map = "FALLEN"; break; case "mp_mogadishu": map = "BAKAARA"; break; case "mp_paris": map = "RESISTANCE"; break; case "mp_plaza2": map = "ARKADEN"; break; case "mp_radar": map = "OUTPOST"; break; case "mp_seatown": map = "SEATOWN"; break; case "mp_underground": map = "UNDERGROUND"; break; case "mp_village": map = "VILLAGE"; break; case "mp_terminal_cls": map = "TERMINAL"; break; case "mp_rust": map = "RUST"; break; case "mp_highrise": map = "HIGHRISE"; break; case "mp_italy": map = "PIAZZA"; break; case "mp_park": map = "LIBERATION"; break; case "mp_overwatch": map = "OVERWATCH"; break; case "mp_morningwood": map = "BLACK BOX"; break; case "mp_meteora": map = "SANCTUARY"; break; case "mp_qadeem": map = "OASIS"; break; case "mp_restrepo_ss": map = "LOOKOUT"; break; case "mp_hillside_ss": map = "GETAWAY"; break; case "mp_courtyard_ss": map = "EROSION"; break; case "mp_aground_ss": map = "AGROUND"; break; case "mp_six_ss": map = "VORTEX"; break; case "mp_burn_ss": map = "U-TURN"; break; case "mp_crosswalk_ss": map = "INTERSECTION"; break; case "mp_shipbreaker": map = "DECOMMISSION"; break; case "mp_roughneck": map = "OFF SHORE"; break; case "mp_moab": map = "GULCH"; break; case "mp_boardwalk": map = "BOARDWALK"; break; case "mp_nola": map = "PARISH"; break; case "mp_favela": map = "FAVELA"; break; case "mp_nuked": map = "NUKETOWN"; break; case "mp_nightshift": map = "SKIDROW"; break; case "mp_cement": map = "FOUNDATION"; break; default: break; } switch(type) { case "TDM_default": map = map + " (TEAM DEATHMATCH)" + " :0"; break; case "DOM_default":map = map + " (DOMINATION)" + " :0"; break; case "DEM_default": map = map + " (DEMOLITION)" + " :0"; break; case "INF_Default": map = map + " (INFECTED)" + " :0"; break; case "FFA_default":map = map + " (FREE FOR ALL)" + " :0"; break; case "CTF_default":map = map + " (CAPTURE THE FLAG)" + " :0"; break; case "DZ_default":map = map + " (DROP ZONE)" + " :0"; break; case "GG_default":map = map + " (GUN GAME)" + " :0"; break; case "HQ_default":map = map + " (HEADQUARTERS)" + " :0"; break; case "JUG_default":map = map + " (JUGGERNAUT)" + " :0"; break; case "KC_default":map = map + " (KILL CONFIRMED)" + " :0"; break; case "OIC_default":map = map + " (ONE IN THE CHAMBER)" + " :0"; break; case "SAB_default":map = map + " (SABOTAGE)" + " :0"; break; case "SD_default":map = map + " (SEARCH AND DESTROY)" + " :0"; break; case "TDEF_default":map = map + " (TEAM DEFENDER)" + " :0"; break; case "TJ_default":map = map + " (TEAM JUGGERNAUT)" + " :0"; break; default: break; } return map; } inArray(array, text) { for(i=0; i<array.size; i++) { if(array[i] == text) return true; } return false; }
Is it possible to extend the number of maps that can be choosen? I want to set it to like 10 maps. Also, i just wanna ask: the maps that can be choosen, are they picked completly random by the game?
The answer is yes to both of your questions.
Hi can anyone tell me what needs to be changed to get more maps on the menu instead of only the 6. Thanks
x7razor_za iirc you can't get more than 6 on this script or it'll have some of them not display correctly due to hitting the game's limitations. Could be wrong.
You need to edit the code yourself to add more maps per votes.
Look at Kalitos comment, seems like he provided a solution -
Ah ok thanks for the feedback
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@pusitails360 the value in the code is wrong at line 9
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i lost the iw5 files where can i find a link?