Is it is possible that I could edit my rank ?
Is that even possible? Cause I'm new and I need to get my weapons customized...
open console and type unlockall
What's that? or where Idk anything mate
Extra question: How do I earn that reputation thing cause am sick of waiting 10 mins to post
Evolightreplied to IICaptain on Jul 2, 2021, 12:45 PM last edited by Evolight Jul 2, 2021, 3:45 PM
IICaptain type unlockall in console, in the main menu you can open it by pressing the key below your esc key ` or ~
everytime someone upvotes your post you earn one rep, you need 3 in total i believe..
in barracks scroll down and u should see something say unlock all click on it YW
alado del uno lo oprime y escribe unlockall y ledas enter