[Resource] [GSC] Working Tombstone Fix - Works on Tranzit and Town
Good stuff mate - nice post.
Are two+ players still needed for tombstone? Because I can not get it working. Im trying to have this and the perk limit removal scripts in the same one if that is possible? Also I do not know gsc so I probably did something wrong but the perk limit removal works just not the tombstone fix. Here is the code if I could get some help.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_perks; init() { level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread welcome(); } isTown(); } solo_tombstone_removal() { notify( "tombstone_on" ); } turn_tombstone_on() { while ( 1 ) { machine = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "targetname" ); machine_triggers = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "target" ); i = 0; while ( i < machine.size ) { machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].off_model ); i++; } level thread do_initial_power_off_callback( machine, "tombstone" ); array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 0 ); level waittill( "tombstone_on" ); i = 0; while ( i < machine.size ) { machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].on_model ); machine[ i ] vibrate( vectorScale( ( 0, -1, 0 ), 100 ), 0,3, 0,4, 3 ); machine[ i ] playsound( "zmb_perks_power_on" ); machine[ i ] thread perk_fx( "tombstone_light" ); machine[ i ] thread play_loop_on_machine(); i++; } level notify( "specialty_scavenger_power_on" ); array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 1 ); if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ) ) { array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ); } level waittill( "tombstone_off" ); if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ) ) { array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ); } array_thread( machine, ::turn_perk_off ); players = get_players(); _a1718 = players; _k1718 = getFirstArrayKey( _a1718 ); while ( isDefined( _k1718 ) ) { player = _a1718[ _k1718 ]; player.hasperkspecialtytombstone = undefined; _k1718 = getNextArrayKey( _a1718, _k1718 ); } } } isTown() { if (isDefined(level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) && level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) { level thread perk_machine_spawn_init(); thread solo_tombstone_removal(); thread turn_tombstone_on(); } } welcome() { self endon("disconnect"); self waittill("spawned_player"); wait 7; self iprintln("^2" +self.name + "^7 , your perk limit has been removed"); }
LuqyAF Anything after a for loop with no end condition will not be read put the isTown() above the level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; so it will run it.
A while loop or for loop tells a computer to do something indefinitely until told otherwise, this means in your current code isTown() is never read since the current for loop you are using has no end condition which means everything after it won't be run.
JezuzLizard Thanks a lot! I did not realise it was a loop.
Forgive me but what was actually broken with tombstone?
H3X1C In Plutonium when a dedicated server launches the game thinks its a solo game. Tombstone is removed because of this since tombstone is useless in solo( you have to bleedout to take advantage of tombstone ).
JezuzLizard said in [GSC] Working Tombstone Fix - Works on Tranzit and Town:
H3X1C In Plutonium when a dedicated server launches the game thinks its a solo game. Tombstone is removed because of this since tombstone is useless in solo( you have to bleedout to take advantage of tombstone ).
Ah that makes sense, thanks for the explanation
JezuzLizard Hey, are you able to message me on Discord? I have a question ted#1404, would really appreciate your assistance
JezuzLizard #include maps\mp_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes_zm_hud_message;
#include maps\mp\zombies_zm_perks;init();
level.perk_purchase_limit = 9;
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread welcome();
notify( "tombstone_on" );
while ( 1 )
machine = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "targetname" );
machine_triggers = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "target" );
i = 0;
while ( i < machine.size )
machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].off_model );
level thread do_initial_power_off_callback( machine, "tombstone" );
array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 0 );
level waittill( "tombstone_on" );
i = 0;
while ( i < machine.size )
machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].on_model );
machine[ i ] vibrate( vectorScale( ( 0, -1, 0 ), 100 ), 0,3, 0,4, 3 );
machine[ i ] playsound( "zmb_perks_power_on" );
machine[ i ] thread perk_fx( "tombstone_light" );
machine[ i ] thread play_loop_on_machine();
level notify( "specialty_scavenger_power_on" );
array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 1 );
if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ) )
array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback );
level waittill( "tombstone_off" );
if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ) )
array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback );
array_thread( machine, ::turn_perk_off );
players = get_players();
_a1718 = players;
_k1718 = getFirstArrayKey( _a1718 );
while ( isDefined( _k1718 ) )
player = _a1718[ _k1718 ];
player.hasperkspecialtytombstone = undefined;
_k1718 = getNextArrayKey( _a1718, _k1718 );
if (isDefined(level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) && level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk)
level thread perk_machine_spawn_init();
thread solo_tombstone_removal();
thread turn_tombstone_on();
self endon("disconnect");
self waittill("spawned_player");
wait 7;
self iprintln("^2" +self.name + "^7 , your perk limit has been removed");
}i have it like this but it says it has a ad syntax around line 6
I'm having some issues getting this to work, I'm getting these errors:
**** 5 script error(s):
**** Unresolved external : "array_thread" with 3 parameters in "tombstone" at l
ines 1,1 ****
**** Too many parameters: "vibrate" with 6 parameters in "tombstone"
**** Unresolved external : "array_thread" with 2 parameters in "tombstone" at l
ines 1,1,1 *The only lines that have been modified are lines 1 - 7, everything else has not been touched, only copied from the original post.
Here is the code:
#include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_perks; init() { isTown(); } solo_tombstone_removal() { notify( "tombstone_on" ); } turn_tombstone_on() { while ( 1 ) { machine = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "targetname" ); machine_triggers = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "target" ); i = 0; while ( i < machine.size ) { machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].off_model ); i++; } level thread do_initial_power_off_callback( machine, "tombstone" ); array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 0 ); level waittill( "tombstone_on" ); i = 0; while ( i < machine.size ) { machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].on_model ); machine[ i ] vibrate( vectorScale( ( 0, -1, 0 ), 100 ), 0,3, 0,4, 3 ); machine[ i ] playsound( "zmb_perks_power_on" ); machine[ i ] thread perk_fx( "tombstone_light" ); machine[ i ] thread play_loop_on_machine(); i++; } level notify( "specialty_scavenger_power_on" ); array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 1 ); if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ) ) { array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ); } level waittill( "tombstone_off" ); if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ) ) { array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ); } array_thread( machine, ::turn_perk_off ); players = get_players(); _a1718 = players; _k1718 = getFirstArrayKey( _a1718 ); while ( isDefined( _k1718 ) ) { player = _a1718[ _k1718 ]; player.hasperkspecialtytombstone = undefined; _k1718 = getNextArrayKey( _a1718, _k1718 ); } } } perk_machine_spawn_init() { match_string = ""; location = level.scr_zm_map_start_location; if ( location != "default" && location == "" && isDefined( level.default_start_location ) ) { location = level.default_start_location; } match_string = ( level.scr_zm_ui_gametype + "_perks_" ) + location; pos = []; if ( isDefined( level.override_perk_targetname ) ) { structs = getstructarray( level.override_perk_targetname, "targetname" ); } else { structs = getstructarray( "zm_perk_machine", "targetname" ); } _a3578 = structs; _k3578 = getFirstArrayKey( _a3578 ); while ( isDefined( _k3578 ) ) { struct = _a3578[ _k3578 ]; if ( isDefined( struct.script_string ) ) { tokens = strtok( struct.script_string, " " ); _a3583 = tokens; _k3583 = getFirstArrayKey( _a3583 ); while ( isDefined( _k3583 ) ) { token = _a3583[ _k3583 ]; if ( token == match_string ) { pos[ pos.size ] = struct; } _k3583 = getNextArrayKey( _a3583, _k3583 ); } } else pos[ pos.size ] = struct; _k3578 = getNextArrayKey( _a3578, _k3578 ); } if ( !isDefined( pos ) || pos.size == 0 ) { return; } precachemodel( "zm_collision_perks1" ); i = 0; while ( i < pos.size ) { perk = pos[ i ].script_noteworthy; if ( isDefined( perk ) && isDefined( pos[ i ].model ) ) { use_trigger = spawn( "trigger_radius_use", pos[ i ].origin + vectorScale( ( 0, -1, 0 ), 30 ), 0, 40, 70 ); use_trigger.targetname = "zombie_vending"; use_trigger.script_noteworthy = perk; use_trigger triggerignoreteam(); perk_machine = spawn( "script_model", pos[ i ].origin ); perk_machine.angles = pos[ i ].angles; perk_machine setmodel( pos[ i ].model ); if ( isDefined( level._no_vending_machine_bump_trigs ) && level._no_vending_machine_bump_trigs ) { bump_trigger = undefined; } else { bump_trigger = spawn( "trigger_radius", pos[ i ].origin, 0, 35, 64 ); bump_trigger.script_activated = 1; bump_trigger.script_sound = "zmb_perks_bump_bottle"; bump_trigger.targetname = "audio_bump_trigger"; if ( perk != "specialty_weapupgrade" ) { bump_trigger thread thread_bump_trigger(); } } collision = spawn( "script_model", pos[ i ].origin, 1 ); collision.angles = pos[ i ].angles; collision setmodel( "zm_collision_perks1" ); collision.script_noteworthy = "clip"; collision disconnectpaths(); use_trigger.clip = collision; use_trigger.machine = perk_machine; use_trigger.bump = bump_trigger; if ( isDefined( pos[ i ].blocker_model ) ) { use_trigger.blocker_model = pos[ i ].blocker_model; } if ( isDefined( pos[ i ].script_int ) ) { perk_machine.script_int = pos[ i ].script_int; } if ( isDefined( pos[ i ].turn_on_notify ) ) { perk_machine.turn_on_notify = pos[ i ].turn_on_notify; } if ( perk == "specialty_scavenger" || perk == "specialty_scavenger_upgrade" ) { use_trigger.script_sound = "mus_perks_tombstone_jingle"; use_trigger.script_string = "tombstone_perk"; use_trigger.script_label = "mus_perks_tombstone_sting"; use_trigger.target = "vending_tombstone"; perk_machine.script_string = "tombstone_perk"; perk_machine.targetname = "vending_tombstone"; if ( isDefined( bump_trigger ) ) { bump_trigger.script_string = "tombstone_perk"; } } if ( isDefined( level._custom_perks[ perk ] ) && isDefined( level._custom_perks[ perk ].perk_machine_set_kvps ) ) { [[ level._custom_perks[ perk ].perk_machine_set_kvps ]]( use_trigger, perk_machine, bump_trigger, collision ); } } i++; } } isTown() { if (isDefined(level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) && level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) { level thread perk_machine_spawn_init(); thread solo_tombstone_removal(); thread turn_tombstone_on(); } }
Just adding this code snippet in %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm\zm_transit should work fine. (Create all folders if not exist)
main() { replaceFunc( maps/mp/zm_transit_utility::solo_tombstone_removal, ::solo_tombstone_removal ); } solo_tombstone_removal() { return; }
Don't forget to compile it properly before adding it into that folder.
115Gameplays Works, thank you!
115Gameplays did not work for me, I receive the error
local variable 'maps' not found.
when compiling -
can someon pass the copiled file?
115Gameplays It’s still not working for me. I very well may not be doing it correctly though. Any more help would be greatly appreciated!
I got this error:
******* script compile error ******* [ERROR]:compiler:scripts/zm/hello.gsc:30:2: syntax error, unexpected notify ************************************
For those having this error, you can simply fix it by adding
behind the notify function.
Since the event is listened to it. -
This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
Altrucity hello it is possible that plutonium updated its way to interact with the game and the script no longer works
Still I have the scripts I made compiled in a GitHub repo where you can download here: