please can you help everytime i launch mw3 plutonuim this pops up
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mikzy no look i will show u
diszsy yes plz show!!!
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diszsy have you done everything mr android said? latest version? tried reinstalling?
mikzy yes i done everything so far
OK thanks - it appears Windows doesn't rename the folder when you change username. We will need to investigate with the staff team to see if we can replicate the problem and then fix it. This will take time.
Mr. Android which folder i will rename it
An alternative would be to manually rename the folder and edit the registry yourself but this could be very risky and I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you the instructions incase you mess it up. I don't want to fuck your computer just because Plutonium won't work.
Mr. Android how about u like control my pc and u do it as u know how
Do you have discord?
Mr. Android yes
Mr. Android Recast#1378
diszsy Add Mr. Android#9053 and i'll accept the Friend Request and give you a download link for AnyDesk
I can't promise it will work but I'm happy to try
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Mr. Android msged u