[Release] [MP] Custom Sky (Purple Space)
Volkzzzzz This is sick oh yea could you send me the link for the purp hud?
Gewehr word. hand off the hud immediately lmao
This post is deleted!
Volkzzzzz theres no link on it
LeapingYears Honestly surprised I haven't done anything with it yet. Might to something eventually but I'll finish Halloween stuff first.
LeapingYears said in [Release] [MP] Custom Sky (Purple Space):
Volkzzzzz theres no link on it
Oh staff removed the link sry
Btw this is the whole pack u only need to select the hud files
https://www.mediafire.com/file/3loe8xxpcqprdw5/Bo2_Purple_Pack_%252B_Animated_Calling_Cards_By_Volkz.rar/file -
Volkzzzzz thx mate
it didnt work for me i put the skyboxs there and it just doesnt show
Issa it has to work make sure that u put the .iwi files into "ur game folder">t6r>data>images
Volkzzzzz t6r is no longer used we use %localappdata%/plutonium/storage/t6/images now
FragsAreUs hm ok I'm out of date, I didn't know about this ty
Can we get the link to download the gloves and the camo in the first screenshot
Volkzzzzz do u have the old afterlife camo
RETR0 EDIT this one in the picture you sent? yea send me a message on discord Volkz#6160
FragsAreUs I placed it in
yet it's not showing up in game. Did the directory change again, or did I miss a step in the process? (first time installing mods)