Why all of that errors and problems
i know why plutonium is not "working" for some people recently
i discovered if you install the last update of Windows 10 Networkframework 3.5 can't be installed and it do the issues the people think is the antivirus but i don't have an antivirus plis Plutonium developers if you are reading this plis update Plutonium i wana play bo2 Plis. -
What are you talking about? The minimum requirements for the Pluto launcher is .NET 4.7.2, which comes shipped in with win10 1607+ by default. Last windows update (21H1 or whatever) doesn't break Pluto in any way. If you're getting errors, screenshot them and elaborate your issue instead of spreading misinformation.
OK THX i solved that but using the netwwork 3.5 my game didn't work but with 5 it worked i don't know why
david38484884 "The minimum requirements for the Pluto launcher is .NET 4.7.2," well 3.5 is below 4.7 and 5 is above 4.7...