All BO2 Original Files (Organized) (Images+Sounds+.OBJ) + Death Machine Skin
syp again ? fuck
Volkzzzzz repost? Dead link
Quikkster link on again
syp already on
Volkzzzzz would you happen to have the files for the Zombies mode M16 (or m16a1 as its referred to in the files) grenade launcher and modified barrel when the gun is pack a punched? i have yet to see anyone modify it
Link is dead
LeapingYears sry but i couldnt find it
Stuhlinger u have to wait cuz many people have downloaded this pack and in 10 in 10 downloads dropbox suspends the downloads for a certain period of time try download it later
Volkzzzzz upload it to mega, it's way simpler.
Then we can also choose what we wanna download instead of downloading your whole pack.
@M0untainLight6 uh i forget that mega exist lmao will upload there soon. Ty for ur comment
Already Created a Mega Link Check It Out If u Havent Download It Yet
Volkzzzzz Could u help me installing it? or quickly saying what i need to do?
ZxRybaZx u only need to go to the download link lul
ded link..
M1._7622 both?
Volkzzzzz Can someone reupload this?
Scottie yy but make sure u mention my name
Volkzzzzz a good thing to use seems to be the IndexYourFiles, its way better than windows indexer
This post is deleted!
@Tentha-Chan sry i cant do nothing theres too many people downloading it so the site temporarily block the downloads