dedicated servers LAN is supported??
DECoZ97 it would be a nice quality of life feature so I hope so. Might be a while off though as it's rather low priority in the gran scheme of things.
H3X1C ok thanks for your time
H3X1C what commands goes in bat to launch a dedicated LAN server, i tried with -offline like pluto bo2 and -lan but keep crashing the server
The parameter is
however we recently confirmed a bug with this. If you are disconnected from the internet the server will crash. -
Any news on getting support for dedicated LAN servers?
update.freak well yes the dedicated server no longer crashes without internet connection but the client still needs internet to connect to your dedicated server
DECoZ97 ok thanks! So therefore, at a LAN party everyone needs an account of Plutonium IW5 (which would be very complicated)?
Not really you can make a bat file and stick it into your AppData\Local\Plutonium
@echo off .\bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe iw5mp "E:\Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3" +name "Fry" -lan
E:\Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 would whatever location of your game is.
+name Fry would be the name you have to change. Leaving that out would not work.
As for dedicated servers.
@echo off .\bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe iw5mp "E:\Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3" +set key "Notneeded" +start_map_rotate -dedicated -lan
Fry yes when you do that the game start but when you try to connect to your dedicated server gives a error
DECoZ97 Yes, u can use console and type: connect <local ip of server>:<port>
and then work