MSVCP140.ddl is missing - System Error
I am following the tutorial for Windows (Using 2012 datacenter). I forwarded that port specified in the tutorial creating a new network rule in Gcloud so that shouldn't be an issue.
The MW3 folder was downloaded straight from steam (Not the "tool" but the multiplayer game itself: regular install).
So the key is set in the .bat, the plutonium bootstrapper is indeed inside the bin folder. Has anyone got this error before?Edit 1:
This is my start.bat, inside the %appdata% there is nothing related to a bin folder. According to other posts I should put the bin folder in Local? Can somebody clarify this? Is this missing dll issue or misplaced bootstrapper?
Echo off
.\bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe iw5mp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3" +set key "---" +start_map_rotate -dedicated -
Caused by a missing c++ Redistributable in most cases, install, restart and try again.
Mr. Android
Can confirm this was the issue.
Download this exe from Microsoft -