Custom 3d Models // Guns like Redacted
Why seems it like no one is talking about the Custom 3d Model Implementation ? I mean redacted had it going smh. They had customs guns // Imported 3d Models for their weapons like the Intervention for example.
Does anyone have any clues on how to implement this feature into plutonium ?
Best regards!
hentgvd yea but it's not possible to implement that via a mod, it would require changes in pluto's code. Also there is no public tool to create t6 fastfiles so the only people who could port weapons would be the pluto team.
There is a bug bounty for this feature:
Dss0 thank you for your reply.
I know its a hassle
But its something alot of people are dreaming of for years now. I think it would bring alot of people back to bo2.. maybe &&&&