[MAP] Shipment from CoD4
Chooch download link was updated.
now it works. tnx.
@Mane8288 Thanks again for this release I'll use this on my server!
Do you know if there is a way to remove the barriers all around the map making it impossible to get out of the map without modifying the map files etc?
If no then could you either point me to a tutorial I could follow to remove the barriers or if it's easy to do and you have some time upload it for me?
Thanks -
Resxt not possible in an easy manner
Can u port crossfire map from cod4
undefined Fry referenced this topic on
can you repost shipment map files pls? both download links are not working and i cant find the map files anywhere
@Mane8288 Would greatly be appreciated, thank you.
jdr531 I will try to find the files if you still need them
jdr531 link updated
The minimap is not to scale, I think it has to be expanded like twice the size if you know what I mean.
It was tested with my friends and I, and looking at the map, it shows players out of bounds and is more inaccurate the further from center they are, so it is as if the "picture" is too small.
Not sure how this actually works lol.