anyone fix it for me pleeeez
i've done eveything but i got errors
this is the my dedicated_zm.cfg
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PlutoT6 ZM ServerConfiguration file // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This config best view with Notepad++ OR // // Other *nix compatible editors of your choice.// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 0.1 Basic version // // 0.2 Added map list and map rotation // // 0.3 Added Colors and B3/Log/RCon section // // 0.4 Added gametype to map list and rotation // // 0.5 Added location to map list and rotation // // 0.6 Added Sharp Shooter and Gun game // // 0.7 Clean up // // 0.8 Additional gts -Fry // // 0.9 Cleaned up the mess Fry merged, // // added more comments // // 1.0 Noob friendly -Fry // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SERVER NAME & COLORS TIPS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ^0 Black // // ^1 Red // // ^2 Green // // ^3 Yellow // // ^4 Blue // // ^5 Cyan // // ^6 Pink // // ^7 White // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// sv_hostname "^1PlutoT6^7 Default Server" //Give your server a name so you can spot it on the serverlist. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERAL SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //sv_offline 1 // Enables the offline mode. 1 = offline, 0 = online useful for LANs or in the case we get shut down. //g_password "" // Password protected Game Server party_maxplayers 4 // Maximum players that are allowed in your server. (1-8) (Recommend 4 for almost bug free gameplay) //sv_minPing 0 // Minimum ping neede to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!) //sv_maxPing 400 // Maximum ping allowed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!) //zm_gungame 1 // Enable Pluto's custom Gun Game? //zm_sharpshooter 1 // Enable Pluto's custom Sharp Shooter? //gts zmDifficulty 1 // Difficulty? 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal //gts startRound 1 // Starting Round. Only Survival and Grief have this option! //gts magic 1 // Remove all supernatural assistance? Only Survival and Grief have this option! //gts headshotsonly 0 // Headshots only? Only Survival and Grief have this option! //gts allowdogs 1 // Allow Hellhounds? Only Survival has this option! //gts cleansedLoadout 1 // Allow players to choose their Loadout? Only Turned has this option! ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // B3, IW4MADMIN, GAME LOG & RCON SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// g_logSync 2 // 0 only flush on game end, 1 flush when buffer full, 2 always flush after a write, 3 append to old logs. g_log "logs\games_zm.log" // If you choose to use this make sure the filename is unique for each server! rcon_password "" // RemoteCONtrol password, needed for most management tools like IW4MADMIN and B3. Do not skip if you installing IW4MADMIN. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAP LIST WITH ALL GAME MODES AND LOCATIONS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // At the moment only the first game mode of // // each map works on dedicated servers (31/3/18)// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Buried aka Resolution 1295 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zclassic loc processing map zm_buried// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Die Rise aka Great Leap Forward // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zclassic loc rooftop map zm_highrise// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Nuketown // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zstandard loc nuked map zm_nuked // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mob of the Dead // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zclassic loc prison map zm_prison// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Origins // //Make sure you don't allow more than 4 players!// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zclassic loc tomb map zm_tomb // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Diner (Turned only) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zcleansed loc diner map zm_transit_dr// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Green Run aka Bus Depot aka Farm aka Town // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gametype zclassic loc transit map zm_transit // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Unlike in other games/MP you should always define the game type and location. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sv_maprotation "gametype zclassic loc processing map zm_buried gametype zclassic loc rooftop map zm_highrise gametype zstandard loc nuked map zm_nuked gametype zclassic loc prison map zm_prison gametype zclassic loc tomb map zm_tomb gametype zclassic loc transit map zm_transit" //Congratulations. You reached the end of this file. Leave map_rotate down below or else the server will not start after launch... map_rotate```