[Release] [Zombies] All BO2 Zombies xModels (.OBJ, .MA, .XE & .SMD) Files + Images (.DDS, .TGA)
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Ahrimdon hey, i'm making my own post about change the game language and i want to know how you change the font size in the post editor
Is there any way to change any of the zombie eye colors, or is there a mod already that does it?
I cannot do this since the only free editing software that is free is MeshLab, everything else is paid only and its overpriced for what it is.
RevenantFox Blender is also free. However, there’s ways to get all the software I’ve listed and used in my post for free. I won’t go too much into it but I’ll let you do the math.
ive been searching this for a long time. Finnally i would finnish my motd changes
been trying to make a skin for the ray gun, ive tried everything but for some reason it wont work. is there any reason for that?
I dont know if I see it but Im trying to find the template files to make a dds dump file so that Ik what I'm working with if I were to make bo2 camos better
Can you do it with bo1 please?