Why is plutonium t5 not showing up in the launcher?
Launcher Support
I'm only seeing WAW, Bo2, and mw3. Why isn't black ops 1 showing up? I have it installed and everything but I don't see any options to set up the path to use plutonium. How do I fix this?
Because it's not released yet.
other people on youtube can play it like 12 days ago and why is it for download then
kennythepanda12 because we released an alpha of the zombie mode for a limited time, that alpha is now over. Right now noone can play, official release will be in may.
Dss0 ok thanks
Dss0 May what I really want to get started on it ?
We need it back!!!! asap
Baugh91 i don't know when in may but i'd be guessing towards the end of the month.