T4 Controller Deadzone Customization
Is configurable deadzones going to be enabled for t4? it was enabled for t6 and iw5. This games default deadzone feels worse then both those games default deadzone. I know it’s the same value but for some reason it’s always felt off, I lowered it in an offline match and the game felt 100x smoother on controller. Myself and all other controller players would love it if an admin could enable it whenever they get a chance
I made a post about this too, i hope they come around to it
You can change the dvar values with the console ~
Treyarch didn't really support controller for pc as it was experimental back then for WaW, but most of the dvars are functional. You can look up more controller dvars if you want.
RedxSkull These are considered cheats in game and dont actually allow you to change them during gameplay, WAW is the only game that still has this setting marked as a cheat
Then you can change it as being the host and enable sv_cheats or set the dvars when running on a server. Different methods you can enable this
but what if i want it on other servers? i wouldnt want it only on what im hosting, i primarily play multiplayer.
Only the server owner can enable those dvars for everyone with SetClientDvar or request to a dev for those dvars I listed to remove the cheat protection since it's harmless for public servers
RedxSkull is there any way I can actually contact one of the devs directly?
Dylboy They don't like to be contacted directly, because they are mostly busy. Make a Feature bounty about your request.
RedxSkull I guess I'll look into that then, thanks much