[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 2 Custom Perk Power up
Sprully this should be fixed.
Added new perk tombstone for Mod of the dead, nuketown, origins and buried.
This perk work like original tombstone and is only available if more then one player is in the game.
perk shader:
The PHD Flopper perk in here damages the giant in Buried. You might want to change that since the PHD perma perk doesn't hurt him normally. Also you'd probably want to check if any of the other perks hurt him.
Beaglepuss leroy should not get damaged by phd anymore.
Not sure what the issue is but it starts out with about two custom perks loaded then they just wont appear on the perk bar and then they just wont work in general. tried set enable_background 0 still doesnt work. this mod it also breaks other gscs such as a health bar, zombie counter etc. not sure if its my gsc list since i only have bo2 remix by 5and5 but even when i remove that i still get problems
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una pregunta como se consiguen los perks?
not sure what causes it but when you revive yourself any time after your third afterlife in mob of the dead your game will bug and put you in a ghost state permanently.
@dontknowletsplay esta caida la pagina
Oaxaco_satin if you meant the installion guide page it was removed for some reason...
installion Guide for Compiled file: Download and copy the compiled file to
and if you do not have these folders create them. -
SpaceFreak127 It was issue with afterlife giving back weapons and it should be fixed now.
How exactly do we change the icons to something custom? I have some bo4 custom icons i made for Victorious Tortoise and etc, been placing files into images folder but still nothing, tried replacing zombies_rank_2 and all sorts of combinations. Am I doing something wrong? or is it not possible? Tried both iwi and png file types
Lerrycapetime You need to conver them to .iwi with correct way, rename with correct name and copy them in images folder to make them work. I do not make graphical mods so i cannot help you.
Just a heads up if you have mule kick you'll lose your 3rd gun if you go to the electric box and enter afterlife on Mob of The Dead.
personally a version of tranzit with the perks machines scatterd around the map would be cool
@SuspiciousGamer It is open source feel free to create that or find someone to make it for you.
I am not going to do this other wise i would have to do it in all maps.
I really like this mod but I've found a few bugs. Vanilla perk icons get duplicated after activating a time bomb. The icon that appears after a time bomb has been placed is also covered by the row of perk icons. The icon for the thunder fist stone in origins is similarly covered. Electric cherry damages the sloth on buried and the paralyzer can be used to spam electric cherry. Also, would you consider adding stamin-up to the maps that don't have it in the future?
Beaglepuss Should be fixed and most annoying thing in adding perks is finding the shaders this is why i have not added more perks.
@dontknowletsplay You could try using the ping icons and the xbox live chat icons. The pro perk variant icons and scorebar_zom_5 should also be safe. They aren't used at all in the PC version of BO2 afaik and are loaded into every map. I even used them in made my own edit of the script and a corresponding texture pack so I could have proper perk icons.
When loading the origins map, this error in the game, what can it be ?