Custom Maps Using UGX are buggy
Hello everyone I host an server using custom maps with UGX standalone but it make server buggy, when the map start it ask to the first guy who joined to set customs settings or instant start Game after game are started, if he leave and someone else try to join server he can’t do anything it will make him in spectator even if nobody is in the map/server and also in spectator he only see the loading image of map, also peoples can’t join server at same times
If you need a video for see what I talk about ask me
The problem like look is the map who don’t restart even if nobody is in the server
How can I make something like if everyone is dead or nobody is in server it automatically do command fr ( fast restart from iw4madmin )
Sorry did a mistake I got this problem with every maps that have a scene where you select Game difficult etc… before start game