download stuck
Your first screenshot shows piry.exe downloading to your Downloads folder.
Your second screenshot shows your game folder with piry.exe as F:\plutonium bo2\This makes me think you have misunderstood the instructions.
Close Piry.exe
Then delete everything inside F;\Plutonium bo2\ except piry.exe
Then run piry.exe as Administrator.
Ensure you are running the piry.exe that is inside your plutonium bo2 folder, not your Downloads folder.
The installer will take some time depending on your internet connection, that's normal.
70 Megabits per second fiber download should take about 30 or 40 minutes.
Jonezki No problem, I hope it works
Mr. Android it just wont download more
Jonezki You have to leave it for longer, it is downloading a large file and seems to be stuck but it isn't.
Mr. Android ok thank you:)
Jonezki if you want to check. Open task manager and sort on the network column. You should then be able to see the network activity piry.exe is using.
I have the same issue and when i go to taks manager it says this
i left it on for 15 hours and i put in the games/callofdutyblackopsII folder
and ran it as administrator
Try disabling your firewall and your vpn if you have it.
If there is no network activity then something is wrong. Close and re-launch piry.exe and try again.
Could you improve the installer? :c please, thanks.
Himink Check and the previous progress update, it mentions a new launcher.
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H3X1C I tried everything nothing worked
do everything they say check your internet and turn your computer sleep mode to never cause if your screen goes out it will stop downloading
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do some % take longer because thats what i read somewhere like mines been on 18% for like an hour
hi I have a problem with the download, it is stuck at 137 on 750. I let run my pc a long time and nothing changed, I check the internet activity and it s suppose to work. I read and read again the tuto and done everything good but still doesn't work... Can you help pls