Modding tutorials bo1 (English & Español)
English tutorials
How to make camos:
How to make loading screens:
How to change effects: en español
Cambiar texturas
Cambiar pantallas de carga
Cambiar el texto del juego -
i love you thank you
bruh deleted
@TThe_Weasel basically all their releases are deleted
Yaki_Ninja Not anymore
Bone Crusher i need the misty hands for bo1, can't you pastme the files?
Edgat the files are posted in the SScustoms server btw, i can send the link to the server if you want right here.
This post is deleted!
Bone Crusher videos no available anymore
because he deleted them
DdraigRitz ill reupload them i guess
@elevynn maybe
undefined bhfff referenced this topic on