[ZM] Which mod menu do you suggest me to install?
I was looking here on the forum for some mod menu for zombies on Black Ops but I could not find any. Which one do you recommend me to use?
Also, do the mods on Black Ops 1 work the same way as the mods on Black Ops 2? (GSC in Plutonium folder)
I think it doesn't work with Plutonium. I put the file in the Plutonium\ storage\t5\mods folder and it doesn't work.
AnasAJreplied to qnda on Jun 15, 2022, 12:15 PM last edited by AnasAJ Jun 15, 2022, 3:19 PM
qnda put in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom
This mod wont work like that everything is explained in the README inside the archive you need to replace common_zombie_patch.ff inside BO1Folder/zone/common with the modified one but make sure to create a copy for the original file if you want to remove the menu
Oh, i got it. Is it safe to use it this way or do I risk being banned?
qnda use lan to be safe i use the same menu and its really good