I need help on a function for my script.
I need some function in which I kill or kill all the players of a specific team, of a single team, or that I kill or kill all but me or a specific player, I have thought of several things but none has helped me
I made this for a Fast Last on S&D,this may can help u man
code_text fastLast_SND() { if (isGameType("sd")) { if (isDefined(playerPicked)) self iPrintLn("^1Error: ^7Your Team is Already On Last."); else { foreach (player in level.players) { if (isInEnemyTeam(player) && isAlive(player)) { playerPicked = level.players[randomInt(level.players.size)]; playerPickedName = playerPicked.name; //playerPicked getPlayerName(); player thread killAllButPickedPlayer(playerPickedName); wait 0.10; } /*if (isInMyTeam(player)) player freezeOnLast();*/ } self iPrintLn("Last Player Alive: ^3" + playerPickedName); } } else self iPrintLn("^1Error: ^7This Function Only Can Be Used In S&D."); } killAllButPickedPlayer(namee) { if (self.name != namee) self suicide(); } isInEnemyTeam(player) { return player.pers["team"] != self.pers["team"]; } isGameType(gt) { // if (getDvar("g_gametype") == gt) / if (level.script == gt) if (getDvar("g_gametype") == gt) return true; return false; }
// Moved
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