Is infinite death machine possible? (with mods)
I've been looking and searching deep for anything related to the death machine, including mods in terms of getting an unlimited duration on it, but it seems my hope has gone down. Because of this, I was also wondering if there's any way, shape or form to modify the death machine to an infinite duration? If so, can anyone like create a script or particular modification for it?
UserMCBG minigun is unlimited ammo weapon and you can give it to player in maps which has it.
Save it as you like with .gsc extension and copy it to
init() { if ( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) { level thread onPlayerConnect(); } } onPlayerConnect() { level endon("end_game"); for(;;) { if(isDefined(level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor) && level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor) level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor = 0; level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); self waittill("spawned_player"); wait 4; self giveweapon("minigun_zm"); self switchtoweapon("minigun_zm"); }
@dontknowletsplay I put the script in the correct location, but every time I open BO1 zombies, it immediately crashes with an error. I made sure ofc the file was '.gsc', the exact name being "death_machine.gsc". Did I name it incorrectly or is it suppose to be named something specific or does the script for some reason just doesn't plain out work? If you need to know what the error was, lmk asap and I can show you the error.
UserMCBG what error you get? I named my file minigun.gsc and moved it to
and it is working fine. -
@dontknowletsplay my bad, I accidentally left out the last few lines of the script. So we good, thx for the script.