BO4 PC Servers Broken, Plutonium Save BO4?
rotwave Dead serious, everything I typed is 100% true. Every aspect of the game is literally unplayable right now, even zombies since it relies on the same matchmaking as MP. But I know plutonium will absolutely never touch zombies so at least MP and Blackout. And zombies isn't that big a deal because you can still play 4 player private matches with friends you invite, which is how most ppl play it anyway.
NikkMann Activision doesn't care about old cods or support them anymore, but bo3 and bo4 both make them a lot of profit still till this day and even though they haven't released any new updates they still support those games. If you really want a client for this game and take all the risks then I suggest start learning how to code and reverse engineer the game.
RedxSkull BO4 on PC makes them their profit (if any at this point) from zombies as thats where a majority of the player base is (well, was until the matchmaking issue). Even then it was still only a hand full of people (would usually need to wait 5 mins for a full lobby of 4.). Like I said earlier, the MP black market microtransaction system literally does not work and hasn't for the last 2 and a half months, they're not making any money off of that. I've played MP pretty consistently the last year and with so few MP players left you eventually remember all the users. There'd be maybe 1 or 2 new, unranked players every few weeks. And all Blackout modes are totally dead, no one plays cause there's never enough people to fill a lobby. Ran a test once where I set in queue for a day and didnt find anyone. Thats why the guy I mentioned earlier organizes private blackout games, cause 6 people is still better than none.
The same could be said for the CODs plutonium supports. Especially since they are on steam which MANY more people use than, and especially the ones with zombies like BO1 and BO2.
Either way, I'll stay 1% hopeful given all these recent developments until a plutonium dev comes in here and shoots it down.
NikkMann We're not Activision, we can't just make a client because it's dead. You have to understand the devs work on the client in their free time, not getting paid to do any of this. Plutonium was made as a hobby project, not a full-time job. Not our obligation to fix those issues for bo4. This also goes to every game that people want a client for like bo3.
NikkMann dont play the game then
Pistakilla Yeah, I know its a hobby for you guys and I (and the community) really appreciate what you have done. I was just a bit hopeful since this is the first COD on PC where MP is actually not able to be accessed anymore, but I guess I can view that as the nail in the coffin that you guys wont do it.
Do you know of anyone who might be willing/with the knowledge that you could put me in contact with? If not for free then maybe for some monetary reward?
NikkMann ok phew i thought you meant zombies
bo4 zombies was a nightmare -
NikkMann I don't think you understand how big of an undertaking making a BO4 client would be. No one has made a crack for the game yet due to its protection let alone a client. I'm sure we could do it but it would take a very long time and take time away from other games we support. I also doubt you can find anyone better than our developers to work on it. Its just not going to happen unless you are able to put tens of thousands of dollars towards it, and even then Activision could shut us down since its such a new game broken or not.
Legal issues + hard task + protection, game is still not cracked to this day so what you're asking for is basically working hard for months, if it's even possible due to crazy related protections to then have a chance to get the whole project shutdown so yeah, very unlikely
Damn, well thanks for responding.
Fun fact, just found out the multiplayer in Infinite Warfare on steam is completely broken as well. You are still able to find lobbies, but you cannot launch a multiplayer match due to this fastfile error. to some users and apparently its been an issue for about 2 months now. They contacted steam/Activision and basically got the same response that we got for the BO4 issues.
NikkMann When you think of Activision. You need to understand they are a business first and attend to gamers second. They want as many players to move on to their next release. They know what's wrong with their previous games, but they don't waste their time going back to fix anything, because they want their player base to move on. Patches only happen when the game's life cycle is still relevant. After that, they focus on their next game. It's been like that for years.
Crazy you maybe the only person in the Universe who wants a Bo4 client lmao that game is a steaming pile of shit thats not worth working on for the reasons stated above this
No crack of that game even exists (I hope it never does)
thats months of work and they are still working on every other client like Bo2,MW3,WaW and now BO1
they'd make a client for this game and it wouldn't get played nobody is gonna buy BO4 on just to play this "Client" it'll be dead faster the WaW was when it launched not that the client is bad by any means its good mods work great maps work great just I guess people "didn't want it" or something along those lines
so no a BO4 Client is possible nor if it was would it be a good thing to add to Plutonium
they have better things in the works for their current clients
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Resxt can i link the clinet not affilated with plutonium
Chase V2 no
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