[Mod Tools] COD Online - Goliath
1.-Once unpacked and put everything in place to go to _zombiemode and add this:
2.-In radiant add prefab that comes in the rar "goliath_spawn" and put it in areas where you want to make napalm respawn
3.-In each info_volume have their areas add this:
script_noteworthy player_zone
4.-Go to _zombiemode_powerups and find this function "nuke_powerup( drop_item )" and below:
if( zombies[i].animname == "boss_zombie" ) { continue; }
add this:
if( zombies[i].animname == "goliath_zombie" ) { continue; }
search "check_for_instakill( player )" and below:
if( self.animname == "boss_zombie" ) { return; }
add this:
if( self.animname == "goliath_zombie" ) { return; }
5.-In this generic_human.atr below:
body {
put this:
ai_goliath_atk_leap_01 ai_goliath_atk_multi_01 ai_goliath_atk_multi_02 ai_goliath_atk_run_01 ai_goliath_atk_single_01 ai_goliath_atk_single_02 ai_goliath_atk_sprint_01 ai_goliath_death ai_goliath_ground_smash ai_goliath_headbutt ai_goliath_idle ai_goliath_push ai_goliath_roar ai_goliath_run ai_goliath_spawn_a ai_goliath_spawn_b ai_goliath_sprint ai_goliath_stumble_stationary ai_goliath_walk
6.-Add this to your mod.csv
You are free de`modificar these:
set_zombie_var( "goliath_first_round", 1 ); //Round to start + RandomIntRange( level.zombie_vars["goliath_rnd_min"], level.zombie_vars["goliath_rnd_max"] ) set_zombie_var( "goliath_rnd_max", 5 ); //Maximum spawn next round between set_zombie_var( "goliath_rnd_min", 3 ); //smaller number of rounds from next spawn set_zombie_var( "goliath_health_multiplier", 25 ); //Increased life set_zombie_var( "goliath_alive", false ); //goliath Live / Dead set_zombie_var( "goliath_damage_wonder", 80 ); //Wonder weapon damage set_zombie_var( "goliath_smash_cooldown", 250 ); //Time to strike again set_zombie_var( "goliath_smash_chance", 60 ); //Chance to attack set_zombie_var( "goliath_smash_distance", 90 ); //Distancia del impacto set_zombie_var( "goliath_smash_distance_plr", 15 ); //Impact distance set_zombie_var( "goliath_smash_damage_min", 15 ); //Maximum damage generated by impact set_zombie_var( "goliath_smash_damage_max", 15 ); //Minimal damage generated by impact
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