Hi i have a question can we hope see bo3 on plutonium because actually the multiplayer are dead and only get hackers
no shush
This most likely will not happen.
many reasons why plutonium won’t add bo3
it’s not needed, bo3 has everything plutonium adds
there’s legal reasons and morejust because a game is dead/full of hackers doesn’t mean it needs a client
it might come onto plutonium or another client in around 7-8 years
but it’s still not likely -
Legal issues, still supported by Activision, can lead Plutonium to being shut down, has everything that needs except an anticheat.
Team would take some time to determine if they'll do the game as project, time to reverse-engineer it, and to implement necessary features, etc.
Same applies to newer games. -
@ivanovich_ brt uradi sta od zivota umjesto sto 24 7 odgovaras na bo3 postove
NotAmeL uradi ti nešto u životu umesto da nalaziš mane tome što ja odgovaram likovima na pitanje. radim i ja drugu rabotu, ne visim svakodnevno ovde, ne sekiraj se ti za mene
Locking this thread. Bo3 won't come to Pluto.