[MP/ZM] Black Ops II Mapvote
Resxt Thanks for your prompt reply! I will definitely put it on my never ending to-do-list to try and tackle
If I get it working for T5 would you be alright with me posting the script up in BO1 mods/scripts as long as I reference this original script here? It may/may not happen depending on my free time away from work/kid haha
Taeleus as long as you simply copy paste it without introducing new features or modifying behaviors etc, as long as it's basically my mapvote copy pasted then yes you can post it on the forum as long as you make it clear it's simply a port of my mapvote to BO1
Can the number of maps be less than 12 without modifying the script? Or does it break?
Zane yes, you simply change a dvar.
It's mentioned both here and on the Github and everything is documented on the Github.
In most cases changingmapvote_limits_max
is enough
a question ..
How is it configured so that there is no way to vote gamemode... I have two servers where you can vote on the map but not the game mode... what I want is for you not to see the only mode that you can vote on...
For example, on the server that is only free for all ..the hud appears to vote for free for all ..which is absurd that you can vote free for all if it is the only mode ..I want only the hud of the maps to appear .. I just saw a server that configured its mapvote like this ..what I want is for it to look like this.. (example image)
and it appears like this to me (image) but instead of.. team deathmatch free for all
Ghost420_ I would guess that you're not on the latest version of the mapvote script so update if that's the case
ha ok . how do i configure? Please, tell me what to put or what to delete.
Thanks for your quick reply ! -
Ghost420_ you simply put one mode in the mode dvar
My point is that this feature was introduced in mapvote 2.0.0 so if your version is below it will still show the mode -
ok .. an example .. we have 2 maps to vote for .. so when configuring "set mapvote_limits_max "2" .. only the two maps will appear and nothing else? -
Thank you very much your mapvote is very good!
Ghost420_ if you keep it at 0 it will handle it automatically. These dvars are only for when you have for example 10 maps but only want to show 2 per rotation. If you set the dvar to 0 it will show the amount of maps you have automatically
Resxt very god ..!Thank you
Hi, good, first of all, this script is fantastic, but I have a mistake, I follow everything to the letter and I can even vote for the next map, but I don't know why it doesn't change maps, it always stays on the first map of the rotation, it's my first server and I'm still learning I have the default rotation of the maps and I also added the rows in the cfg and I put the dlc maps in the set mapvote_maps line did I miss something?
bigdevil83 first it would help if you mentioned whether it's MP or ZM since it doesn't work the same way.
Also send your CFG file (ofc hide sensitive information such as rcon password)
I just tested again on a clean MP server with the default configuration and it works just fine so I guess the problem is in your CFG or a script you have or whatever, something you did wrong or modified -
it is for a zm server
[0_1678728511896_dedicated_zm.cfg](Uploading 100%) -
bigdevil83 you didn't upload the file, upload it to pastebin or sendspace or whatever and send the link
This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
Just pushed a small update (2.1.2):
- Makes the mapvote enabled by default to make it easier to use for beginners. Instead of enabling the script per server you now disable it per server, if you want if off on certain servers
- The default rotation system now has a new dvar dedicated to turning it on off which makes it clearer if it's on or off and also now allows you to have the default rotation only rotate for 0 human players
Hello, one question. How do I stop the map from appearing to vote? ..only the modes to vote appear ..the server is only "Nuketown" and I don't need "Nuketown" to appear in the vote .. I read in "notes" ..(image) .. that if there is only one mode or map hides it ..but it keeps appearing to me ..=( https://i.ibb.co/NVKySr5/2023-08-16-09-01-46-Window.jpg
https://i.ibb.co/B2cbmrH/mpshot0015.jpgset mapvote_enable 1
set mapvote_maps "Nuketown"
set mapvote_modes "Team Deathmatch,tdm1:Domination,dom1:Capture the Flag,ctf1:Free-for-all,dm1:Kill Confirmed,conf1"
set mapvote_colors_selected "blue"
set mapvote_colors_unselected "white"
set mapvote_colors_timer "blue"
set mapvote_colors_timer_low "red"
set mapvote_colors_help_text "white"
set mapvote_colors_help_accent "blue"
set mapvote_colors_help_accent_mode "standard"
set mapvote_vote_time 15
set mapvote_blur_level 4.5
set mapvote_blur_fade_in_time 2
set mapvote_horizontal_spacing 75