Guide On PlutoT6 ZM Server on Ubuntu (2023)
Hi, You Came Here To Looking For How To Make A Plutonium BO2 Zombies / PlutoT6 ZM Server On Ubuntu. Then You Are At The Right Place.
Also You Might Ask "Why Do You Use Linux Instead Of Windows Cheap?", 1 Main Reason That I Switched From Windows To Linux Cuz Windows Hogs All The RAM So The Server Is Laggy, It Might Take You Some Time To Get Used To The Linux Style.
First Of All The Things: I'd Like To Give A HUGE Shoutout To axite For Their Guide On Ubuntu. I Have Been Inspired By Him To Make This Post.
Prepare Your VPS/Dedicated Server:
The First Thing You'll Need Is A VPS Or Dedicated Server Ready To Go With Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. (You Could Go For 18.04 Or 22.04 But There Could Be Bugs Cuz I Didnt Use Higher Updates)Also By The Way I Am Not Saying That A PlutoT6 ZM Server Takes That Much Ram But Your Best Bet Is To Go For A 2 CPU Cores & 4GB RAM For A Stable Server.
Ok Lets Get Started, Login In To The Server As A Root User Or Become A Root User By Typing This Command Into The Terminal.
sudo su
Also Update APT Cache And Update All Of The Packages By Using This Command.
apt update && aot -y full-upgrade
Install Wine
dpkg --add-architecture i386 wget -nc apt-key add winehq.key add-apt-repository 'deb focal main' apt update apt install -y --install-recommends winehq-stable rm winehq.key
Install .NET
wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb apt update; \ apt install -y apt-transport-https && \ apt update && \ apt install -y dotnet-sdk-3.1 apt update; \ apt install -y apt-transport-https && \ apt update && \ apt install -y aspnetcore-runtime-3.1
Configure Wine
echo -e 'export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine\nexport WINEDEBUG=fixme-all\nexport WINEARCH=win64' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc winecfg
Install Firewall
apt install -y ufw fail2ban && \ ufw allow 22/tcp && \ ufw allow 4976:4977 ufw default allow outgoing && \ ufw default deny incoming && \ ufw enable
Step 1:
Download The Game And The DLC And Put Them Into The Server Folder. Note: You Must Use Bittorrent Or Utorrent But I Prefer QBittorrentStep 2:
Download The Server Config Files And Put Everything Expect The LocalAppData Folder Into The Server Folder. Make A Folder Called t6r Then Make Another Folder Inside Of t6r Called data Then Inside data Make Another Folder Called maps, Inside maps Make Another Folder Called mp And Inside mp Make 2 Folders Called gametypes_zm And zombiesStep 3:
So Inside The LocalAppData Folder That You Got From The Server Configs Will Be A Folder Called Plutonium, Go Inside It And Then You'll See Another Folder Called storage. Go Into It And Then There Will Be A Folder Called t6, Go Inside That And Copy Everything Into The data Folder We Made Before.Step 4:
Transfer your Binary File via FTP ( I advise you to use FilleZilla )- Win + R -> %localappdata%\Plutonium
- Copy All Of The Files In The Folder And Paste It Into Your Server Folder
Step 5:
Now Open The File Called !start_zm_server.bat With A Text Editor (Preferably Notepad++)
You Should See This Code When You Open It:@echo off ::Paste the server key from here set key=placeServerKeyHere ::Name of the config file the server should use. (default: dedicated_zm.cfg) set cfg=dedicated_zm.cfg ::Name of the server shown in the title of the cmd window. This will NOT bet shown ingame. set name=ZM 1 ::Port used by the server (default: 4976) set port=4976 ::Only change this when you don't want to keep the bat files in the game folder. MOST WON'T NEED TO EDIT THIS! set gamepath=%cd% title PlutoniumT6 - %name% - Server restarter echo Visit / Join the Discord (a6JM2Tv) for NEWS and Updates! echo Server "%name%" will load %cfg% and listen on port %port% UDP! echo To shut down the server close this window first! echo (%date%) - (%time%) %name% server start. cd /D %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium :server start /wait /abovenormal bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t6zm "%gamepath%" -dedicated +set key %key% +sv_config %cfg% +net_port %port% echo (%date%) - (%time%) WARNING: %name% server closed or dropped... server restarts. goto server
You Need To Get A Server Key From Here And Then Replace It With The:
You Can Also Change The Port From 4976 To 4977 Since 4976 Is Used By The Client And You Can Change The Name Of The CMD Name By Changing The:
ZM 1
You Need To Remove These Line From The .Bat File:
title PlutoniumT6 - %name% - Server restarter echo Visit / Join the Discord (a6JM2Tv) for NEWS and Updates! echo Server "%name%" will load %cfg% and listen on port %port% UDP! echo To shut down the server close this window first! echo (%date%) - (%time%) %name% server start.
And Change:
cd /D %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium
cd /D %cd%
Step 5:
You Need To Port Forward The Ports 4976 and 4977 In Your RouterStep 6:
We Need To Make Sure The Script Is Executable So We Do:chmod +x
After That Run The Pluto. sh In The Terminal With
/ zm
And The Server Should Start
There You Go
Your Server Should Start And If It Doesnt Contact Me In Discord
My Tag Is CheapPlayz#9335
Bye, GL With You Server -
Should I go with Ubunutu or Linux? I'm also hesitating between VPS OVH and VULTR. Any advice?
Nabi2000 Ubuntu IS Linux So Go With It But You Can Pretty Much Go With Any Linux
Running plutonium through wine has a number of problems: it doesn't work on ARM or RISC-V; it brings the bloated, unstable, and insecure nature of windows into your linux server; and it has bad performance. The bad performance is the biggest issue and the main reason why people should run linux servers. I'm a developer and want to port plutonium natively on linux. Can someone help me get in contact with the developers or the source code? I love this project and want to make it better. Thanks.
dhillonjustin99 Yeah porting the game's to linux isn't going to happen even if you have the Plutonium source code. The games Plutonium supports are not open source and we don't have the source code for them either. Games such as Black Ops 2 were specifically designed for windows and as such rely on many windows functions to work. You would need to make 100s or 1000s of patches for each game to change this. Not only that but the renderer also needs to be switched to something that linux supports, and again no source code is available, but even with the source code changing the renderer is no easy task.
If it was easy to port a game to linux without the source code wine wouldn't need to exist in the first place.
JezuzLizard Thank you for clearing things up. Thank you for everything you do. Do you have plutonium development documents. Such as what you have done and how?