Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined
How do you, for example, patch v2.0.0 Alpha 5 on top of the latest release (v1.3.4) that has an install guide?
GhostRider0125 how the hell do I activate the High risers song in die rise. The change logs are so useless when it comes to that. It just says "added Benn high risers" it doesn't even try to explain how to activate it
TheJoshua_Graham bud why are you asking me its been a long time sinse i visited the mod
TheJoshua_Graham These added songs probably play when the main EE is completed, its just what i could think of after reading that readme a few times.
sehteria thanks
Jbleezy said in Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined:
always Quick
First off, absolutely incredible work. Completely revitalized my love for the game. Second, I've only been able to install it via putting one of the alpha builds in the mod folder and then loading it from the mod menu. How does installation of the "stable" builds work? I tried adding the folders from the zip manually as well as use the exe to install and neither of them worked. If it's installed that way, should the game load as Reimagined without the need for going to the mod menu?
Always dig some BO2 content. Good stuff
D_Guy454 Fog option added.
I want to play the mod, but I also want to do Origins EE, and not being able to do the steps for each staff is kinda weird, and wont be the same, is there a way to disable that? Or just a way to have every other change but that one. That would be neat Jbleezy
It seems as though some features such as additional wallbuys and perk machines (such as Who's Who in Power station or AN-94 in Town) don't appear. Removed weapons such as the Galil and Python also show up in Nuketown Zombies. However, the rest of the mod does function correctly: things like the hud, bank/locker system, buildables. Is this an issue for anyone else?
NotAshxd Nope, it's all or nothing
rubyquest You have to be on a 2.0 version for the new additions.
Where can I find version 2.0?
omar123ad It's still in development, but here are the alpha releases. -
how do you actually use the new locations? zero documentation on it, whatsoever.
nexbo For 1.x versions, see here:
2.x versions have map select UI in game. -
Hey meatbags
Can someone tell me how to turn off long distance lod
I hate how sometimes it goes from 60fps to45 whenever i am looking in certain directions,other than that this mod is red white and blue to the core!
Thanks maggot munchers
Dempsey OUT -
About the bank functions. Is there a command to avoid the points in the bank reseting after every match? Thanks