T4 WaW White Essentials Pack
T4 WaW White Essentials Pack
- White Sleeves w/ Bare Hands
- White Waff Camo
- White Tommy Gun
- White PPSH
- White Timer Top Left & Movement Patch
- White Blood HUD
- White Hit Direction
Example with Waff Camo
Example without Waff Camo
Example of Tommy Gun
Personally I'm not fond of the Solid White Camos but I had already made them to see how they look so they were already made so I included them in case anyone else likes them.
If you're not sure where to put these files
Camos located here AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t4\raw\images
Timer located here AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t4\raw\scripts\sp -
the cum camo be looking hot
its like alpha photage of guns in the making
idk if its just me but that timer does not work on my end
FaZe Flick Sorry for the late response I don't actively check plutonium forums, have you made sure you've used the correct location path? Provided below if you do need a refresher
lexah yes i put it in the scripts folder
it doesnt work ingame tho -
Odd, I'm really not sure why it's not working then. I have made sure the script I provided in the download link works for me so I'm really unsure why it's not working then. I really do apologise for the inconvenience alongside the extremely late reply. If i do find anything I will let you know as soon as possible
lexah thank you
GhostRider0125 Tis' Perfect.
idk if its just me but there is no White Blood HUD in the mod download files. and also thompson is not white for me.
whats the file name of this