Either a cheater or a good player, idk you decide
Player name: Retrovskii
Reason of report: Possible walling on RepZ community server (NukeJacked to be exact)
Video: https://youtu.be/kRIY5iSAXPg
Seems pretty suspicious to me because they joined mid-game and went 39-2 on Hijacked. -
Definitely a cheater. Read the comment on the video saying to go to :04 and follow the instructions. you can clearly tell the there is a lock on. Send that video in to the server and get him booted.
you happen to notice vsat?
he can know where you are just by looking at the map, he was being reported for walling repeatedly, but he could easily know where you are at anyways.
In the video it starts with Vsat already activiated. Which means he can see where all the players are at. Then he activates Counter UAV. So if there wasn't a scorestreak activated. Then it would look like cheating, but this looks legit. Remember this game is old. Most veterans know all the wall bang spots and spawn points. For casuals trying to get that casual experience is very unlikely on a game that came out on 2012. Cheaters do exist, but too many report veterans that know how to play.
in the video he is clearly locking on to players through the wall though? Might be worth it to take a look yourself. Just because a kill streak is up does not mean he isn't cheating. He seems to have his iron sights locked on to an enemy and is immediately ADS on target with no adjustment being made. Always solid lock on to the enemy body around the corner. Probably running walls + soft aim bot. Just run it frame by frame starting at :04 and you can clearly see the lock on through the wall.
TheOddBreed dude's fully legit, matter of fact they're also mod on there.
@Forming sure he is dude