[Release] Acr Rocket-Pop Skin
its nice but how the f did you get animated hands
Looks really cool nice one.
Out of curiosity why do you release it on the ACR only? -
Resxt I haven't had time to make the other guns since they take a while to make
GhostRider0125 join the shadow money wizard gang
GhostRider0125 The animated viewhands are something that sloth did a while ago. There should be a mod release for it somewhere on the forums. The viewhands themselves have a scrolling techset and a blue stripe image on them
Resxt The ACR image itself was edited for this. It's not the same as just changing the name of an image to match the ACR image otherwise nothing would link up properly
Bubbles sloth hasn't released the viewhands to my knowledge as of rn only the camo
Bubbles yeah that's why I was wondering why ACR was made instead of like gold or whatever.
I thought single weapon camos were things of the past
It's a bit of a shame how some camos look so good but only on that one OP gun -
the damn m4a1 looks better than ACR people like it only cuz its broken