Help With Mod Script
So, I'm trying to install coder x64's Health Bar and Zombies Counter mod, but after compiling the script and putting it into the folders, it gives me this message.
I checked the script for any "."s, but I didn't really see anything out of place. Can someone help me?
Here's the script:
Phu-tosIV Instead of posting the images you could post the code. It will be more helpfull to read the code and not the images.
"see the console for details" - Did you see the console for details? Do you even know how to open the console?
I also suggest you run the game withdeveloper
set to 1.
In short, you will have to fix the GSC script, I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. -
Code shared as screenshot is.. huh.. questionable to say the least
Sorex True. My mistake
FutureRave I opened the console, yes. What am I looking for? Do I gotta type something in?
Resxt I'm sorry okay? I didn't realize that I could just put the coding in the message. New here
I apologize. Here's the code for better viewing
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; init() { = 3; level.bHealthBarRed = true; if ( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for (;;) { level waittill( "connected", player ); player thread onplayerspawned(); } } onplayerspawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if ( == 0) { self thread ZombieCounter(); self thread HealthCounter(); } else if ( == 1) { self thread ZombieCounter(); } else if ( == 2) { self thread HealthCounter(); } else if ( == 3) { self thread ZombieCounter(); self thread HealthBar(); } else if ( == 4) { self thread HealthBar(); } } ZombieCounter() { hud = NewHudElem(); hud1 = NewHudElem(); if ( == 1 || == 3) { hud.horzAlign = "center"; hud.alignX = "center"; hud.y = -20; hud.x = 50; hud1.horzAlign = "center"; hud1.alignX = "center"; hud1.y = -20; hud1.x = 0; } else { hud.horzAlign = "right"; hud.alignX = "right"; hud.y = -20; hud.x = -195; hud1.horzAlign = "right"; hud1.alignX = "right"; hud1.y = -20; hud1.x = -210; } hud.vertAlign = "bottom"; hud.alignY = "bottom"; hud.foreground = 1; hud.fontscale = 8; hud.alpha = 1; hud.color = (1, 0, 0); hud SetValue(0); hud1.vertAlign = "bottom"; hud1.alignY = "bottom"; hud1.foreground = 1; hud1.fontscale = 8; hud1.alpha = 1; hud1.color = (1, 0, 0); hud1 SetText("Zombies Left:"); while (true) { if ( == 1 || == 3) hud.x = (string(get_enemy_count() + level.zombie_total).size * 5) + 50; else hud.x = (string(get_enemy_count() + level.zombie_total).size * 5) + -195; hud SetValue(get_enemy_count() + level.zombie_total); if (get_enemy_count() + level.zombie_total == 0) { hud.color = (0.5, 0, 1); hud1.color = (0.5, 0, 1); } else { hud.color = (1, 0, 0); hud1.color = (1, 0, 0); } wait (0.1); } } HealthCounter() { hud = NewHudElem(); hud1 = NewHudElem(); if ( == 2) { hud.horzAlign = "center"; hud.alignX = "center"; hud.y = -20; hud.x = 30; hud1.horzAlign = "center"; hud1.alignX = "center"; hud1.y = -20; hud1.x = 0; } else { hud.horzAlign = "left"; hud.alignX = "right"; hud.y = -20; hud.x = 225; hud1.horzAlign = "left"; hud1.alignX = "right"; hud1.y = -20; hud1.x = 210; } hud.vertAlign = "bottom"; hud.alignY = "bottom"; hud.foreground = 1; hud.fontscale = 8; hud.alpha = 1; hud.color = (0, 0.5, 0); hud SetValue(0); hud1.vertAlign = "bottom"; hud1.alignY = "bottom"; hud1.foreground = 1; hud1.fontscale = 8; hud1.alpha = 1; hud1.color = (0, 0.5, 0); hud1 SetText("Health:"); if (!isDefined(self.maxhealth) || self.maxhealth <= 0) { self.maxhealth = 100; } while (true) { if ( == 2) hud.x = (string( * 5) + 30; else hud.x = (string( * 5) + 225; hud SetValue(; wait (0.1); } } get_enemy_count() { enemies = []; valid_enemies = []; enemies = GetAiSpeciesArray( "axis", "all" ); for( i = 0; i < enemies.size; i++ ) { if ( is_true( enemies[i].ignore_enemy_count ) ) { continue; } if( isDefined( enemies[i].animname ) ) { valid_enemies = array_add( valid_enemies, enemies[i] ); } } return valid_enemies.size; } HealthBar() { hud = NewHudElem(); hud.horzalign = "left"; hud.vertalign = "bottom"; hud.alignx = "left"; hud.aligny = "bottom"; hud.x = 40; hud.y = -105; hud.foreground = 1; hud.alpha = 1; hud setshader( "white", 1, 12 ); if (level.bHealthBarRed == true) hud.color = (1, 0, 0); else hud.color = (0, 1, 0); hud1 = NewHudElem(); hud1.horzalign = "left"; hud1.vertalign = "bottom"; hud1.alignx = "left"; hud1.aligny = "bottom"; hud1.x = 33; hud1.y = -100; hud1.foreground = 1; hud1.alpha = 1; hud1 setshader( "black", 115, 20 ); hud1.color = (0, 1, 0); hud2 = NewHudElem(); hud2.horzalign = "left"; hud2.vertalign = "bottom"; hud2.alignx = "left"; hud2.aligny = "bottom"; hud2.x = 5; hud2.y = -102; hud2.foreground = 1; hud2.fontscale = 8; hud2.alpha = 1; if (level.bHealthBarRed == true) hud2.color = (1, 0, 0); else hud2.color = (0, 1, 0); if (!isDefined(self.maxhealth) || self.maxhealth <= 0) { self.maxhealth = 100; } while (true) { width = int(max(( / self.maxhealth) * 100, 1)); hud SetShader( "white", width, 12 ); hud2 SetValue(; wait (0.1); } }
Open the console for details after you have set the dvar to the values I kindly requested. It will tell you at which line the mistake can be found.
FutureRave Okay, so I set both developer commands to 1, tried loading a map and when the error popped up, I opened the console, but nothing happened. It doesn't show any details.