I need help with my login
The thing is, I used to have Plutonium on this very same PC but with another account. I lost the original account because I lost the e-mail due to hackers. No big deal, I just made another account using my current e-mail. However when I put in the new credentials, this error pops up: [system: 10060 at C:\ci-libs\boost_1_82_0\boost\asi\in function 'connect']. Tried everything, from uninstalling the launcher to deleting all my old plutonium files which could be tampering with the current launchers settings. However, I haven't been abled to even just login to the launcher. Can anyone tell me if they had the same error and how they solved it
Same Issue, I tried to perform some troubleshooting that I found in the MS site: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/networking/10060-connection-timed-out-with-proxy-server
But it didn't work for me.
Update from this comment.
I have been searching for hours, and just solved it by changing my DNS to the ones of google ( and
Here is the guide:
https://www.windowscentral.com/how-change-your-pcs-dns-settings-windows-10Hope it also works for you (゚ヮ゚)
i love you bro ty