Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players
i agree with it,plutonium u need to come up with some solution for us
EagleWatch said in Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players:
I can't be using a VPN during the gameplay as it is not allowed by Plutonium.
That is a blatant lie, we don't care about you using a VPN.
Also any solution would require more money, which is sparse.
Xerxes Servers kick us when we join using VPN
Then play on ones which don't.
Xerxes said in Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players:
we don't care about you using a VPN.
Firstly, the whole plutonium application refuses to start with VPN running and secondly, we already have one of the worst internet services out there. Servers were already too laggy before this, now I cannot even imagine how they would be while running a VPN.
Sounds more like you have issues with cheap / bad / free VPNs.
Once again, we don't care at all if you use a VPN or not.
Expensive ones won't cause you any issues when it comes to online games, some even directly market to gamers because dedicated servers usually get slightly better routes. -
A solution for this would be an alternative (non-Cloudflare) ingress path for backend traffic, which would have to routed through separate infrastructure. This would likely cost us at least an additional ~$10/month for something that wouldn't immediately die from even a small DDoS attack. Development time would have to be spent to implement this fallback method as well. Are you willing to pool together, say $100 to cover this?
Eldor said in Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players:
Are you willing to pool together, say $100 to cover this?
That is way out of my budget alone and I do not believe anyone from my country would be willing to spare a few bucks for that.
I believe that this could have been sorted out if someone had reached to our ISP company called Earthlink Telecom and perhaps they could've been able to find a workaround for this issue.
Personally I cannot be the one doing that as I don't really understand what the issue really is. Apart from that, the people I can reach to can't do much neither.
We would appreciate a solution for this. It is really unfortunate thing for us, especially me as I happened to discover this very late and could not enjoy it only a little before it got blocked by the government or the ISP.
Xerxes said in Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players:
Sounds more like you have issues with cheap / bad / free VPNs.
Plutonium is a free service. How can you expect anyone to pay for an expensive VPN to play on a free service.
Let's reverse the logic, considering you completely ignored what Eldor wrote I already know how you will react.
EagleWatch said in Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players:
Plutonium is a free service. How can you expect anyone to pay for an expensive VPN to play on a free service.
Plutonium is a free service. How can you expect us to pay for an second CDN to fix your government blocking a free service.
I did not completely ignore what Eldor wrote. I just replied to both of you.
I understand that it costs a lot of money to keep things up and running and I asked for a workaround that is free and possible to do. You guys made good work with building this thing up and it is your job to keep it up and find solution for people who cannot use it. We are not talking about a few people we are talking about a whole country only from my friend group I know like 8 people who used to play on plutonium and I can also see others asking for help on different topics. in the end as I said we can't do anything to fix the problem, but you guys can. Am I wrong?
EagleWatch said in Find a solution for the problem faced by Iraqi players:
it is your job to keep it up and find solution for people who cannot use it
No, it is not. If you can't cope with that reality, go ahead and leave.
To all Iraqi players, here are my recommendations for you.
1- Go through the pain of VMs and buying decent VPN. Or you could pay someone from the Kurdish region to host VPNs for you. But first, make sure they also can play Plutonium flawlessly, as just not long ago, I've played with a friend who lives in the Kurdish region and he hasn't complained.
2- Pool together some money for development. I myself recommend paying Plutonium devs to do the work.
3- Play split screen via parsec with your friends on RPCS3 (this automatically adds a player limit of 3, as for me even with a powerful laptop CPU, it will struggle with 4 player split screen). Keep in mind I have not tested Xenia!
4- Buy and mod a Xbox 360, they're very cheap! But modding them may be a headache, and modded ones are less cheaper. And you can avoid Xbox Live and all that bs with LAN games, you can use Hamachi for this, as it virtualizes a LAN connection, bear in mind it's not great.
5- Contacting your ISP, I don't recommend contacting ISPs about this issue, they generally do not care about a small group of customers, unless you have some influencer on your side.Splitting the cost:
You can easily gather a large group of people to pay, how will you do that? Not going to explain, even a child knows how to do that!
I also recommend talking with game center owners to add T5 and T6 to their list of games (Tell them it's only 35 Gb both), as there are a lot of people willing to relive a childhood memory. Why am I telling you to do this? Because game center owners are greedy fools either fully willing or fully unwilling to do anything to gather more gamers. They generate a lot of revenue, so $100 is nothing for them. In the end, both the average person and Plutonium players get what they want.Recommended payment option:
For payment, I recommend using banks as I've heard they let you pay with a lower IQD-USD exchange rate. Generally you will pay 150 IQD less per USD. For 100 USD, this will become 15,000 IQD which is a lot.
I myself would love to help out Iraqis, but I don't have payment methods. -
EagleWatch Their " job " ??? Lmfao they are doing it on free time, not their job. They own us nothing
Unkn0wnSniper thank you for the kind answer