bo2 xbox360 graphics
Hello i wanted to ask if there is any way to make the pc version of bo2 to look like the xbox 360 one is there any way ?
ye just make the fov 60
Yep, with a 65 FOV, it struggled to maintain 60 FPS, usually fluctuating between 50 to 60 FPS. It did surprisingly achieve a resolution of 1040x600 with 2x MSAA, but everything else was set to low textures. The PS3 version was even worse, with a resolution of 960x540. Neither version ever reached true 1080p. The PC version is butter smooth, but you don’t really notice the performance issues on old consoles, because most don’t have a monitor to display an FPS counter and see how unstable it was.
RedxSkull What? Those versions look bad? I didn't even notice. Honestly, the only notable difference in the Consoles and PC version for me is the thicker fog
Cawldwink When it comes to Zombies, the fog was never meant to be added in the first place. Jason Blundell did an interview where he discussed pre BO2 Zombies and what Jimmy planned starting with Tranzit. They used the fog to hide texture pop-ins and the denizens to slow down players traveling through the fog. The same went for using gumps to load/unload assets for different sections of the map, as the current Tranzit was taxing on the console. A lot of features was cut due to hardware limitations at the time, which is the main reason Tranzit and many other maps don't look finished or appear bland. Limitations were their biggest issue, leading to sacrifices to try to achieve steady FPS on console. Where the PC version of BO2, however, benefited from better hardware. PC version is basically a port from console with its own optimizations and customizations for better graphics, etc.