Add wildcards to GunGame default class + lethal(s) part of weapon list
Hey, new here as well as new to scripts.
- Is it possible to add wildcards to the default gungame gun.gsc or elsewhere relevant so that I could pass guns with 2nd/3rd attachment on them also for example:
I did try adding them with self setperk but this doesn't seem to have any effect nor cough up errors:
givecustomloadout( takeallweapons, alreadyspawned ) { chooserandombody = 0; if ( !isdefined( alreadyspawned ) || !alreadyspawned ) chooserandombody = 1; if ( !isdefined( self.gunprogress ) ) self.gunprogress = 0; currentweapon = level.gunprogression[self.gunprogress].names[0]; self maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::setupblankrandomplayer( takeallweapons, chooserandombody, currentweapon ); self disableweaponcycling(); self giveweapon( currentweapon ); self switchtoweapon( currentweapon ); self giveweapon( "knife_mp" ); self setperk( "bonuscard_primary_gunfighter", 1 ); self setperk( "bonuscard_secondary_gunfighter", 1 ); if ( !isdefined( alreadyspawned ) || !alreadyspawned ) self setspawnweapon( currentweapon ); if ( isdefined( takeallweapons ) && !takeallweapons ) self thread takeoldweapons( currentweapon ); else self enableweaponcycling(); return currentweapon; }
- I've seen a few servers have this where they're able to turn grenades into progressable weapons in the gun game list, but it seems jank unless there's some secret code snippet that's plug'n'play.
It basically looks like you have no hands when you get them but you can chuck infinite grenades till you get a kill after which you get the next weapon on the list. and the lethal is only useable during the grenade listing.
Ideally since grenades are possible I'm interested to test if I can fit multiple lethals into the progression list for example grenade and tomahawk.
Any help/resource is welcomed
- Is it possible to add wildcards to the default gungame gun.gsc or elsewhere relevant so that I could pass guns with 2nd/3rd attachment on them also for example: