game base files
hey i just wanted to know that can i use my cracked game files with this to play multiplayer( bo2 has redacted )
RADON_x86 Plutonium no longer supports pirated files... but yo can try
You won't get further support.
bruh i leveled up and got a cammo and a scope LOL
I guess it still works then lol
were all guilty of getting something cracked
Plutonium currently doesn't support piracy, and ownership checks haven't been implemented yet. It's only available for server hosts, though that could change in the future. Many clients have been shut down due to piracy, not just for Cod clients. Keep in mind that they will not offer support to anyone using cracked files, so it's best to own the game to avoid being unable to play once ownership checks are implemented in the future.
RedxSkull rip my friends
@Hong-Kong-Lover rip!? are you ok?