"connection to styx socket lost"
can yall fix this shit already jesus
Hi all - we've been working in the background to see if we can improve this. We've had to move some of infrastructure from one Cloudflare account to another and then we have upgraded our account that runs the backend protection.
The hope is that with the upgraded account we will be given better routes globally for traffic and a few other optimizations for sockets. (Which the backend uses).
Please can people retry in the next few days (it may take up to a week for Cloudflare to change us to better routes) without WARP and see if the issue is resolved or not?
We have had 2 reports so far that this has solved the issue, keen to hear feedback
@floral-pyrant We don't get paid to fix it bro lmao. We have jobs and kids and stuff to deal with first
The issue seems to be fixed again for me.
Nyneee Awesome stuff, that seems to be the feedback I'm getting elsewhere
Mr. Android hello bro, i am also facing this issue now, i am from Pakistan, i checked firewall etc, the logs say connection with styx lost, any fix?